Cessna 182 recurring AD's

This was the entire point of the thread in the first place. The aircraft was 75 NM away and the AD's needed complied with prior to ferrying it back for the annual. I could look over the airframe and engine AD's on the FAA website but didn't want to take another pilot over with the intentions of flying it back only to find there was some recurring AD on an accessory I was unaware of.

You would have to list every component and appliance in the airplane in order to know which ADs apply. Engine, prop and airframe are the big items but ADs can apply to magnetos, wheels and brakes, vacuum pumps, and STC items such as tip tanks.

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Understand that.....Wasn't looking for a complete list specific to my aircraft. Just trying to see if there was anything common that I was unaware of such as a mags, or prop hub (like the mooneys) etc. Thanks for the help.....

In the future,I'll think twice before posting any questions on a forum..
Understand that.....Wasn't looking for a complete list specific to my aircraft. Just trying to see if there was anything common that I was unaware of such as a mags, or prop hub (like the mooneys) etc. Thanks for the help.....

In the future,I'll think twice before posting any questions on a forum..
If you're buying an airplane it's pretty important you are aware of all the possible ADs. If you own an airplane it's pretty important that you are aware of all possible ADs.
That's the website. You need to look up everything by make and model of airframe, then engine, then prop. It's slightly time consuming, but a lot cheaper than dealing with something after you buy it.
If you already own, well then you IA probably has some paperwork in your mx logs that list all the applicable ADs and the date they were complied with. This would be done at every annual.

For reference, here's the STC library. You probably want to cross check that to.
I'd also get the CD or records from the feds in OKC. Costs like $5. And look up the type certificate and have that info.
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There is no short cut for this- aside from getting a third party to help such as AOPA. It's one reason that neat and complete maintenance logbooks have a huge impact on the value of an airplane. I once had an aircraft appraiser who was looking at my records who commented that the fact that I used ADLog increased the value of my airplane in his eyes.
Understand that.....Wasn't looking for a complete list specific to my aircraft. Just trying to see if there was anything common that I was unaware of such as a mags, or prop hub (like the mooneys) etc. Thanks for the help.....

In the future,I'll think twice before posting any questions on a forum..

No worries. Ask any question, remember the only bad question is the one not asked. The more detailed of a question will yield a more accurate answer.

By the way, the hub AD isn't just for the Mooney fleet. It affects every two bladed hartzell on a Lycoming 360.

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I just don't see how the original question required clarification that a Cessna 182 has an engine,prop, governor,mags and all the equipment required to make it fly as well as a disclaimer that some dudes on a forum are not my sole means of complying with AD's.

The first few people who responded were helpful, thank you. After that it turned into the FAA is gonna take away your birthday because your not complying with AD's. I have better things to do then waste time defending myself on a forum about something I never led on.
I just don't see how the original question required clarification that a Cessna 182 has an engine,prop, governor,mags and all the equipment required to make it fly as well as a disclaimer that some dudes on a forum are not my sole means of complying with AD's.

The first few people who responded were helpful, thank you. After that it turned into the FAA is gonna take away your birthday because your not complying with AD's. I have better things to do then waste time defending myself on a forum about something I never led on.

Advice is free and one is free to take or leave it. I don't think we were attacking you, just advising you of the pitfalls. I've purchased several airplanes and have been "lucky". I knew everything about the airplanes and what was required. I've known several pilots who purchased airplanes and got bitten hard. A few had their airplanes "totaled" at their first annual. Nothing like being told by a mechanic that your investment of tens of thousands of dollars is now scrap due to maintenance issues.
The internet can be a great source, but I have to say Jet Career is probably the last place I would go for pre-purchase advice. I'd start with CPA in your case (or other type-specific clubs depending on what I am purchasing), then branch off to AOPA and the FAA website.

Grow up and get a thicker skin.