Well-Known Member
Ideally, You want a P model, then a N model, then a M model. I won't touch anything other than those. The P model has the least amount of headaches to deal with and Cessna fixed a lot of problematic issues on the P model that the others suffered from. Issues that didn't matter in previous models flying as an owner 50-60 hours a year but are expensive when you are doing 2000+ hours per year across your fleet. Continental engines won't hold up in flight training.Ok. Any specific reason you prefer an M to an L? Just curious, now.
Anyone that finds me any one of those models will get a referral fee of $500 cash money. If you find me a smokin deal, hidden gem I'll go higher. They're out there, I just can't get to them because they're owned by an older generation that isn't on the internet. They're only word of mouth guys. Thats where you guys can make some money because ya'll are walkin around the country and know where they're all hidden.