Cargo Projections


All the responsibility none of the authority
The company put together some whiz-bang presentation for an investors conference.

They had some interesting IATA data on cargo (not sure if it applies to all cargo or just our heavy lift - but the projection is interesting)

They said:

Actual 2008 there was 4% contraction

Projected 2009 ~5% contraction (prolly done by mid-year :whatever:)

Projected 2010 5.1% growth

Projected 2011 6.9% growth

This is one time I hope the economy follows the predictors and media...

Linky: (presentation)

(slides only - just noticed this has 3 additional slides not in the presentation. I like slide 20 for job security reasons. Here's to hoping) Final 02-09-09.pdf
I can you that one of the customers of your and my employers has very interesting managing techiques.:)

Overall I believe the slow down has increased business for my employer. Smaller and lighter loads = increase in feeder flying.