career options for single parent


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering if there are any real flying career options for a single parent. Obviously a job where you are gone overnight is not a good option. Thanks,

I am just wondering if there are any real flying career options for a single parent. Obviously a job where you are gone overnight is not a good option. Thanks,


Flight Express has you home everynight.
Win the powerball and buy your own airplane, bring your kid(s) with you.
Flight instructing probably isn't the way to go if your trying to support a child. Pipeline patrol is good. Home every night if you get with the right company and the pay is decent.
What about the ANG/AF Reserve? Have always wanted to be in the military and flying military would be a dream come true.
What would be your plan for your children while you are away at Basic and Tech School? That would be a substantial time away from your kids. Do you have someone to take care of them during that time?
What about the ANG/AF Reserve? Have always wanted to be in the military and flying military would be a dream come true.
Military requires a parental plan. Basically you are signing off that you have a plan for who will take care of the kids while you are away and trust me... you will be putting the plan into action repeatedly.
CFI'ing can be good if you get on at the right place, which means moving to the right place most likely.
What about the ANG/AF Reserve? Have always wanted to be in the military and flying military would be a dream come true.

flying in the military? Why who do you know that can help out there? You have to know some one high in the ranks and have a big brain. They may promise a possible flying spot just get you to sign up.
Military requires a parental plan. Basically you are signing off that you have a plan for who will take care of the kids while you are away and trust me... you will be putting the plan into action repeatedly.

Parents would, but really don't want to put that off on them. I didn't know how much time commitment it would be compared to a regular reservist. I was just exploring options.
flying in the military? Why who do you know that can help out there? You have to know some one high in the ranks and have a big brain. They may promise a possible flying spot just get you to sign up.

It doesn't exactly work that way with the reserves. You are hired specifically for a pilot slot and you don't sign up until you're approved.
Good independent CFI can make over 3000 a month easy. If you become a expert in one field you can supplment your income by writing article for like AOPA magazine etc etc.
I have found independent CFI'ing to be difficult. Many airports in my area have a prohibition on free lancing.

What ways have you guys found to get around this?
The average salary where I instruct at is over $50K. They aren't hiring now but like all companies they will hire again in the future.
Airports in your area can't stop airplane owners from hiring an independent instructor. Also in my area the local flight schools allow independent instructors.
Airports in your area can't stop airplane owners from hiring an independent instructor. Also in my area the local flight schools allow independent instructors.

They can require you to pay for a business permit and provide proof of insurance of a certain amount. So if you don't want to comply with that, then yes they can stop you.