Career change??


New Member
Hello everyone,
I really need your advise. I can not tell you how much i really love flying and want to be professional Pilot. I will be turning 29 in January 2010. I will be also graduating with Accounting degree and have $30,000 loan in debt. From this point i am not sure what to do.

Should i go for Accounting, which i really hate, or aviation or personal business like convenience store.

My long term goal is to work for Major companies like emirates. Would i ever make it there if i start training at age 30 or 31?

Are any Massachusetts flying schools good and affordable for starting this career? If not, could you prefer any training schools in Houston or Florida in order to help me achieve my long term goal.

I personally want to become a professional pilot. But i can not decide for my self because i don't know the bigger picture. Therefore, i need advise from real pilots or from experienced person based on given facts.

I will be happy to give more information relevant to decision making.

Thank you for your time
I really appreciate it
Why not work in accounting for a few years, pay off your school debt and pay for flight training with any extra cash you have? You may not love accounting, but you've already got school debt, and if you take out another huge load to pay for flight training, then you're going to be even worse off. Combined with the low pay that most flight instructors and FOs make at regionals, you're going to be living on the cheap for a loooooong time.
My better half is an accountant and makes three times what I do.

Stick with accounting and buy yourself a nice airplane. Teach folks to fly in your free time.
Do accounting for anyone related to flying aircraft. Then make connections to where they give you free flights, that lead to free flight instruction, that might lead to a job with one of them, that might lead you to an airline job one of these decades, that might lead you to a job overseas this generation maybe.

The whole time you are not going further into debt rushing to get your license. TAKE YOUR TIME, no need to hurry in this economy.
I agree, i should get a job in accounting and lower my debt first and then pay for my training as i go. But wouldn't be then too late for me to apply for major airline if i start late.

Emirates requires mini 4000 TT. What age would be considered too late for me getting job with them.

I thank everyone once again for replying to me
I really appreciate it
My lady is a Oil/Gas accountant and makes good money. Stay in accounting and pay for flight training as you go. Do not get into further debt for the chance to fly. Pay off your debt, then start flying.
All the advice is great but with one small problem. I have an MBA in Finance and Accounting. When I was out of a flying job I worked as an accountant (for a great salary) for a bit over a year. I have never HATED a job so much. Everyday was a struggle. I never hated life so much as to daily wake up and go to my cubicle and do the same SH$% everyday. Close out a month, start over again. Be very careful in doing what you hate to do as time will move slower than every before and one day you will realize how miserable you are. Happiest day was when I quit and went back to flying for a 135 gig. Paid less but I had a smile ear to ear. Over time it progressed and now I grew to be a chief pilot at a 91 company. Keep working hard at your goals. Remember everything is a journey but keep the destination in mind. Keep plowing forward if this is really what you want to do. Remember you only have one chance at this game of life. Never get old and regret your choices, but make intelligent decisions!
All the advice is great but with one small problem. I have an MBA in Finance and Accounting. When I was out of a flying job I worked as an accountant (for a great salary) for a bit over a year. I have never HATED a job so much. Everyday was a struggle. I never hated life so much as to daily wake up and go to my cubicle and do the same SH$% everyday. Close out a month, start over again. Be very careful in doing what you hate to do as time will move slower than every before and one day you will realize how miserable you are. Happiest day was when I quit and went back to flying for a 135 gig. Paid less but I had a smile ear to ear. Over time it progressed and now I grew to be a chief pilot at a 91 company. Keep working hard at your goals. Remember everything is a journey but keep the destination in mind. Keep plowing forward if this is really what you want to do. Remember you only have one chance at this game of life. Never get old and regret your choices, but make intelligent decisions!

Agreed, been there and done that - except it was engineering instead of accounting. I vividly remember the days of waking up and feeling depressed about the day before I even got out of bed. To those that say stay in accounting and forget about professional flying, I'd also recommend you quit flying, get a degree in accounting, and go live whatever fantasy life you think that might deliver. Let me know how it works out for ya.

Khan, financially it will be in your best interest to get an accounting job and use your salary to pay for your flight training. Live frugally and pay off whatever debts you have from college (car, credit cards, unsubsidized student loans, etc.). Get your private pilot license and make sure you really do like flying (60-70% of student pilots don't even make it to the private pilot level).

After you get your private pilot certificate, you'll be in a much better position to decide whether flying professionally is for you or not. If it is, continue paying for your flying with the accounting degree. You'll easily be able to get your commercial pilot and instructor ratings in a couple of years if you're motivated. By then, hopefully things will have turned around in the aviation world, and you'll be able to start flight instructing.

I don't know about Emirates, but you're definitely not too old to become a professional pilot. Good luck!
I have never HATED a job so much. Everyday was a struggle. I never hated life so much as to daily wake up and go to my cubicle and do the same SH$% everyday. Close out a month, start over again. Be very careful in doing what you hate to do as time will move slower than every before and one day you will realize how miserable you are.

Oh, good, I'm not the only one who feels that way about cubicle-ville. :D
Responses are great!!! they are definitively helping. But could somebody shed some light on "making to major airline question". Because if i go for accounting and start part time training (0-250) do you think i can make it to Emirates or some other major airline. If not then at least i can lower my expectations and take things little easy.

I am 29, so lets say i begin PT training at age 31. Based on your experience, how long would it take me to finish all the ratings?

Thank you
My long term goal is to work for Major companies like emirates. Would i ever make it there if i start training at age 30 or 31?
Can you make it if you start at 31? Sure. But keep in mind that you can also touch a guitar for the first time in your life at the age of 31, become a professional musician and make it to selling out stadiums around the world. That doesn't mean either are very likely, but both are entirely possible.

Here's a couple of other thoughts in no particular order.

1. You say you love flying and you want to be a professional pilot. Flying as a hobby and flying for a living are two very different things. Loving one in no way assures that you'll love the other. Find out everything you can about the lifestyle before you make the leap.

2. Debt is a dream killer when it comes to professional aviation. Start your quest as close to no debt as possible and then accumulate as little as possible during your journey.
Responses are great!!! they are definitively helping. But could somebody shed some light on "making to major airline question". Because if i go for accounting and start part time training (0-250) do you think i can make it to Emirates or some other major airline. If not then at least i can lower my expectations and take things little easy.

I am 29, so lets say i begin PT training at age 31. Based on your experience, how long would it take me to finish all the ratings?

Thank you
If you're training part time you'll probably earn a license every 6 months. So lets assume the normal route: private, instrument, commercial, CFI, CFII, multi/MEI. Then you'll need several thousand hours to get to a major including 1000 turbine PIC. At best, to see the inside of an Emirates cockpit wearing that snazzy uniform will probably take you 10 years.
I am in the same boat, but have corporate aviation as my dream objective. As well, I hate the cube and all the B.S that goes along with it.

I can't answer your Emirates question. I would say that it is doable after many years of flying and maybe some luck. Maybe your lifestyle will change and you will not longer want to go over there? I was offered a job from Qatar Airways in management, --which was my dream to work over there--and due to my change in lifestyle, I declined. Things change.

Some past experience with pilots:

I have two good buddies at the regionals. Both are debt free and were hired in 2004 roughly. One is a captain and one is still and fo. Captain loves it, will continue to plug away. Fo is miserable, hates the lifestyle, non rev stuff, low pay, and he was an aviation/pilot nut. Questions whether he will quit and pursue something else.

I know an AA 738 fo, quit, hated the airline bs. I met a 734 USAir captain in 1998, better time period, he said fly for fun.

Good friends with former G-IV F-100 company director aviation, he says do something else.

BUT STILL, I am contemplating flying. Goodness. I think if it is in your blood, just do it. Stay out of debt, stay out of debt, and fly. Mabye in 15 years EK will stink and you may be knocking on the doors of UAL.

I would watch out with the tunnel vision for Emerits . . . RIght now, you dont even have a PPL, so you dont even know what you dont know right now . . . meaning, there are so many possiblities out there. To go to a Major airlines with a "min of 4000 (and who gets hired with mins??) is pretty tough. So you are more than likely going to have to go the the regionals or a 135 or something to get that turbine time. It just has to happen that way! Along the way, you may find a job that is perfect for you . .maybe corporate maybe something different. I'm just saying, dont make your decision NOW on flying for one company. Get those ratings, see if you even like flying. Like folks have said, a hobby and a job are two different things!!!
Take your time, the economy is only waiting on you right right now . . . if you love flying, the job will not matter as much later on. Dont go into this because of status or a "dream Job" cause it will let you down.

Good luck,
I would watch out with the tunnel vision for Emerits . . . RIght now, you dont even have a PPL, so you dont even know what you dont know right now . . . meaning, there are so many possiblities out there. To go to a Major airlines with a "min of 4000 (and who gets hired with mins??) is pretty tough. So you are more than likely going to have to go the the regionals or a 135 or something to get that turbine time. It just has to happen that way! Along the way, you may find a job that is perfect for you . .maybe corporate maybe something different. I'm just saying, dont make your decision NOW on flying for one company. Get those ratings, see if you even like flying. Like folks have said, a hobby and a job are two different things!!!
Take your time, the economy is only waiting on you right right now . . . if you love flying, the job will not matter as much later on. Dont go into this because of status or a "dream Job" cause it will let you down.

Good luck,
Of course i love flying. It is in my blood. You are right, i should not have such high exception at this time. But i just want to have some idea about weather i have a chance to get into such companies . I don't want to invest too much time, if i can't get to the top. I can just take it easy and work upwards step by step to work for only regional airlines. But if i have slight opportunity then i am willing to work hard to get there. On the emirates website, to get hired as a FO it requires minimum of 4000 hours. And someone told me that if i start training at the age of 33, i can still make it there in ten years. In 2 years ill complete my all ratings. Then buildup my hours up to 1500 in another 2 years and get hired by regional, if lucky. In another 3 years i will make it to 4000 hours. Please let me know if this plan will not work.

Thank you very much for all the replies. Every each of them are worth it.
Please let me know if this plan will not work.

Good stuff. Just remember it is aviation and nothing, and I mean nothing is in stone!!! I got hired WAY before my other flight instructors who have easily double my time. Is it fair, no way, but that is aviation for you. It is all about right time and right place. Positioning yourself duringhte right time, in front of the right people when they are ready to hire pilots! It is great that you have a goal. Keep it up, now go get that Pvt pilot license! (got to start somewhere)
Please let me know if this plan will not work.

Just like the way you have it, probably not. Nothing is guaranteed in aviation. But, you have a goal, and if you work on it, you'll eventually get to where you want to be. The age you're at right now is definitely not too old to try to start flying professionally.

But, one thing at a time. Focus on getting your private, first. Who knows, after a few stalls you may hate flying. :)
I've been flying off and on since I was 15. I didn't know back then if I wanted to do it for a living or not, but I kept plugging away. After spending my 20's farting around doing jobs I hated, I finally said screw it, got my multi rating and started sending out resumes and landed a 91 gig. I only fly an itty-bitty single engine piston, but the pay isn't bad, I work an average of 10 days per month and I'm home every night. I like my boss and I have zero BS to put up with. I aspire to fly something bigger and hopefully someday I will, but for now I couldn't be happier with my decision. I'll never get rich flying an airplane and I don't care. A lot of my friends make more money than I do but hate their jobs. Like these guys say, finish your training, stay out of debt as much as you can and make sure you really like flying. It's next to impossible in aviation to predict where you will be a few years down the road.
In terms of flight schools in the MA area, East Coast Aero Club at Hanscom Field is an FBO I'd recommend. I got my private there. They have plenty of instructors and aircrafts to choose from (cessna, warrior, tomahawk). They also have a seminole for your multi training. Very close to you as it looks like you're living in Woburn.
In terms of flight schools in the MA area, East Coast Aero Club at Hanscom Field is an FBO I'd recommend. I got my private there. They have plenty of instructors and aircrafts to choose from (cessna, warrior, tomahawk). They also have a seminole for your multi training. Very close to you as it looks like you're living in Woburn.

How much did your PPL cost? As i browsed their website i did not see anything about other type ratings. Do they have CPL and others.
