Caravan Headset

Finally got around to reading that. I'm assuming you thought no one would because the entire article has NOTHING to do with auditory damage in relation to using an active noise canceling headset.
What you did was google for a scholarly article with noise canceling in it, and found a long article you figured we'd all TL;DR. Because the article does talk about noise canceling, but it talks about the natural noise canceling our body has and how the various things that cause tinnitus break parts of that down.
See, I have actually been curious as to how much better, active noise canceling protects our hearing, so I was genuinely interested to read the evidence behind your claim. To bad. What you did here was insult the intelligence of at least me and Beef. What's real funny, is now I'm quite sure you are the one who hasn't the slightest clue as to what you are talking about. Not only that, but if I'm wrong about the googling for a random article for deception, then you're just a moron. So you're either insulting us or are stupid. Which is it?

Oh, my. Aren't you an angry one?