JSFirm Caravan Captain

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Schuman Aviation Company Ltd Honolulu, Hawaii:<BR /><p> </p><p>Safely pilot&nbsp;a Cessna 208&nbsp;Grand Caravan, simple.<br />You will&nbsp;have to live on Oahu, fly between Oahu, Molokai and Maui. Look at a map, yup, that’s water between them islands.<br /></p><div>According to NBAA, there are four areas pilots are&nbsp;concerned with:</div><div>#1 Predictability of Schedule:&nbsp;Four or Five days a week between 6:00am and 18:00, home for dinner every night honey.</div><div>#2 Compensation:&nbsp;Probably not to many Caravan pilots making over&nbsp;$110k a year "working"&nbsp;five days a week.</div><div>#3 Retirement Benefits: That’s up to you and the President of the USA at that time,&nbsp;you manage your own matching simple IRA.</div><div>#4 Job Stability:&nbsp;Well,&nbsp;all I&nbsp;can say about that is&nbsp;slow&nbsp;steady growth on the aviation side since 1996, unless you want to count my other company, established in 1893. Goggle it, Schuman Carriage Company Ltd. If 125 years is not a definition of stability, what is?&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>The one I hear lot is "Quality of life". That Hawaii’s got better than most States, unless your definition of quality of life is trudging thru the snow&nbsp;in sub&nbsp;zero weather. Hawaii were 76 degrees&nbsp;all year around, give&nbsp;or take 10 degrees.<br />&nbsp;</div><div>Retired Military Welcome. it’s slow &amp; small stuff compared to what your&nbsp;use to flying but it’s fun flying.&nbsp;You actually have to push and pull.</div><div></div>

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