
I was just on the phone to Bob and he wanted me to post a big thank you to everyone for saying happy birthday! He's on a trip so did not see this yet but will have a long overnight in the chilly north to post later.
Thanks everyone... and thanks Jeremy for the above post!

I am indeed in the frozen north... 30+ hours in Moncton, CAN. I think the hi temp here today was 1 degree celcius. :)

I started the 4-day trip with a great crew on my Birthday (Friday). They even took me out to a nice little Vietamese restauraunt tonight just down the street. It turned out to be a birthday I won't soon forget due to the following:

  • It was the first time I'd ever had Vietnamese food.
  • The FA went out earlier and purchased two small cakes (chocolate and carrot) and candles, and surprised me at the restauraunt with them.
  • A french canadian folk troup came into the restauraunt and played some great music, entertaining the whole place while they waited for their food.
  • My FO went over to them and asked them to play Happy Birthday to me after the FA lit the candles on the cakes. They then proceeded to sing Happy Birthday to me in french (another first) and followed it up with the english version.
All in all... a birthday I won't soon forget.

Thank again to everyone for the well wishes. I really appreciate it! :)

OK..3 days late. Happy (belated) Birthday Bob!


If you're home on the 12th, I've got a 20 hour layover...let me know and I'll but you lunch if you're there. Get in around 10 a.m....Bone Daddy's serve lunch? :crazy: