Capital Cargo 727s

Who knows at this point..... There is talk the Jakarta stuff that Atlas got isn't the Jakarta stuff ATI is working on but come on man, that sounds very fishy :eek:
ASTAR had about 50 planes plus at one point. I'd call that "major" IMO.

Also, ATI was around 30 or so frames during the BAX days. Not to bad either.
The number of planes Asstar had has nothing to do with determining it's status as a major. Were they still a "major" when they flew only 7 or so DC-8s?
Hard to say..... you had an entire group of pilots on their max pay scales flying old DC8s on cake domestic trips. Close to 1/4 a million a year for the Captains. No wonder DHL wanted to get out from underneath ASTAR (I know I'm probably sounding harsh). The crews were making "major airline" pay if nothing else.
Asstar wouldn't come to grips with their new reality.

Well, if you're going to serve as a troll, let me show you how it's done so you stop beating around the bush.

"Ain't nobody as smart or as successful as I. Even those that are, aren't because I hide behind an Internet pseudonym, and no one is worthy of bestowing their presence before me."

"The reason those boneheads at ASTAR are where they are today is because they didn't make better choices, thus, are inferior to me and a lot of other people, so the natural order of the world is working itself out, and Charles Darwin, another intellectual like myself, is proudly gazing upon how this shakeout of the "lesser beings" is coming to fruition."

"I like to play intellectual Internet bully because it makes me feel good because in reality, no one cares to listen to me in the real world. But on the Internet, I am as loud as the loudest and I can lay a turd like my Labrador Retriever and watch anxiously for someone to step in it and take my bait."

"I am... Unknown Internet smart guy"

Now that's how you troll a forum, son.
Well, if you're going to serve as a troll, let me show you how it's done so you stop beating around the bush.

"Ain't nobody as smart or as successful as I. Even those that are, aren't because I hide behind an Internet pseudonym, and no one is worthy of bestowing their presence before me."

"The reason those boneheads at ASTAR are where they are today is because they didn't make better choices, thus, are inferior to me and a lot of other people, so the natural order of the world is working itself out, and Charles Darwin, another intellectual like myself, is proudly gazing upon how this shakeout of the "lesser beings" is coming to fruition."

"I like to play intellectual Internet bully because it makes me feel good because in reality, no one cares to listen to me in the real world. But on the Internet, I am as loud as the loudest and I can lay a turd like my Labrador Retriever and watch anxiously for someone to step in it and take my bait."

"I am... Unknown Internet smart guy"

Now that's how you troll a forum, son.

Oh Derg.... how you make me laugh... I almost pooped myself. I can see it now... let me paint my "short bus" mental picture.

Derg rolls up in an S class Benz... BUFU hat on sideways... tatted up like Wiz Khalifa... baby blue Tim's on (partially unlaced becuase that how gangsters roll)... spits this mad "trolling" game... and thats when you notice his grill is made out of 9E pilot wings.

Keep it coming... I can always use a good laugh these days...
I'm like L'il Wayne on a mix tape.

I've got a pretty long fuse but good grief, that guy has such a heightened self-image, I'll bet you even Jesus Christ is probably shouting, "Jesus! Who IS this guy?!"