Can't wait to torture the students with this...

I actually really enjoyed flying DME arcs and associated approaches, but I can somewhat related.

My students didn't share my enthusiasm.
The best part is that not only do they Arc for the APP is that they also Arc for the Missed. Awesome...
That's pretty cool. I've seen the typical arc leading to the inbound course, but never an arc that was the inbound "course".
Not too difficult of an approach (its no ROW ILS), but the published missed is where it gets fun, with dial spinning while executing the missed and making it happen. From arc to radial to radial to arc, my last plane had a 3nm lead distance for radial to arc, so on this one, the missed would be right turn of 50 degrees of turn, which would get me crossing the R-068 already at about 12.5 DME, then roll into an immediate left 30 degree bank turn to intrcept the 11 DME arc. No time actually flying inbound on the R-068.

Normally it was just radar vectors to a downwind to re-intercept the arc inbound.
Don't ask potomac for the approach. Beyond 12 DME you're under the Bravo at 2400. I think SLOAF is outside the SFRA, but if it isn't just come in from EMI and start inside it.
What's the problem? Just put the bearing pointer on the right side at the proper DME and you're set!