Well-Known Member
I hope he wasn't looking at 6C and presuming that was a seat he could upgrade to.
That happens A LOT.
But no one is sitting there...can't I sit there!

I hope he wasn't looking at 6C and presuming that was a seat he could upgrade to.
That happens A LOT.
Throw Sunny's dumb ass in the back of a C-123 with ramp open, on a low-level to an LZ drop or LAPES, then we'll see how much he bitches about the 767-300ER and it's extremely-minor problems that it was having.
I hope he wasn't looking at 6C and presuming that was a seat he could upgrade to.
That happens A LOT.
Buisness Class seat on a LAPES pallet, with a Sheridan two seconds prior.
150 years ago the voyage would have taken 3 months and half the passengers would have died of scurvy.
He said he was a platinum medallion, but then stated he flew 160,000 miles a year. Most platinums who get upgraded are in the 500,000 to 1,000,000 miles a year club.
I dont think it would be fair to the other passengers to perform a seat upgrade while in-flight. I doubt he was the only Delta Sky Miles card holder on the flight with a lot miles racked up. If he really cared about securing a seat in business class he would have asked the gate agent before boarding the flight or perhaps have paid an additional cost for a better seat. I dont see him having a legitimate arguement. It is what it is. An American carrrier flight overseas. You want comfort etc? Purchase a $2000 + ticket on another carrier (non-US) and stop your whinning.
In-flight upgardes are happening everyday. I've been on a lot of flights lately where the FAs upgrade military. I've even heard them ask PAX "Are you military?" Based on the backpack they are carrying.
I think it's a small token and hardly unfair - but that's just me.
You guys need to stop concentrating on the tree and start looking at the forest. This is just one part of the overall systematic blackmail of the foreign carriers flying I/O of Nigeria. If you read the local Nigerian letters to the editors, they are full of claims of all sorts of outrageous behavior towards Nigerian Nationals. It's just a ploy by the government to incite the population behind them.
I fondled with it for a while before motioning to one of the hostesses for assistance.