Didn't you have a simliar post like this one recently? Asking if it would be a good idea for a student pilot to start of his training ina C-182?
This sounds alot like that post
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Your right it does, I wasn't sure if you could solo in a complex airplane or not, that's my question. My question there was would it be smart to start with very little time, like 10 hours, then buy and fly a 182.
I remember when I first started my PPL with my good instructor and company.
I ask him if I could start my training in Piper Saratoga TC. He stared back at me wide eyed and said.
"Matt I'm sure you could dude but why the hell would you want too. You gotta crawl before ya walk dude..."
Then he was like why don't you just concentrate on completing learning to fly a C-172SP...
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I would love to do it like most people and go to a flight school and have an instructor, but there are no good flight schools around where I live. I have to drive 2 hours to get to a decent flight school.
"Matt I'm sure you could dude but why the hell would you want too. You gotta crawl before ya walk dude..."
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I don't know if it would be harder because I'd be solo, but how much faster could things go in a 172RG as compared to the Citation? Of course I always have some one in the left or right seat with a hell of a lot of time.