C-402 Pilots


Just thought I would post this. They seem to advertising a lot recently on climbto350.com

I know nothing about the company.
February 3, 2009
YELLOW AIR TAXI (Cessna 402C Piston Pilots - Florida)


Email: Click here to Apply
Web Site: http://www.flyyellowairtaxi.com

Single Pilot 135
They want 2500TT, ATP, 1000 hours of multi-engine.
Prefer 135 single pilot experience, and Bahamas experience.

It might be just me, but having an ATP with 1000 multi and flying a 402 would be insulting. But, in these times I guess you have to take what you can get!

That's not insulting at all, ATP is required by regs for scheduled service, and 1000Multi is reasonable.
Most likely an ARG/US Wyvern requirement.

Do your research on this company. I haven't heard anything good.
Once they posted a job offer with an obnoxious comment about not wanting low time pilots to apply and went as far as to say it was like putting a bowtie on #####. The ad was edited the next day. So basically if don't met the mins dont bother i guess. Little obnoxious if you ask me but whatever.

I can't say I know anything else about them though, besides the fact that their all over the Bahamas.