Business Opportunity: Great for pilots


Vintage Restoration
First of all, two disclaimers: Doug, if you feel this is inappropriate, feel free to move or remove from the boards. I think it is a great opportunity for many of the CFIs and others on the boards, so that's why I'm posting it... but I understand if you don't want it on the site. Secondly, I'm not trying to rip anyone off by posting this, but instead am trying to help all you fellow pilots because I know how difficult times can be regarding finances.


I wanted to tell you about the business I am involved in, as an independent business owner. My company name is Independent Business Solutions, working in partnership with International Connection. We use a web site called to do business. Quixtar is basically Wal-Mart and Sam's Club online. It sells wholesale goods from MANY different well-known companies (around 500 in all... Sony, Motorola, Magnavox, Whirlpool, etc.). The thing is, the purpose of the business isn't primarily to sell products. Instead, we try to develop independent business owners through viral marketing. By becoming an independent business owner, you can begin creating your own business teaching new IBOs.

So my income is determined by me, and my company (Independent Business Solutions) is only as good as I make it. It really isn't a business at all, but a business system. Like McDonalds.

As I said, the business is run from I just bought a Nautica shave/cologne kit off the site for $40... the same thing was like $75 at Bergners. Our main focus is health and wellness products though. We have a huge line of health products (vitamins, energy drinks, protein bars, etc.).

If you have ever heard of Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad books), he wrote a book called "The Cashflow Quadrant." It explains how there are four types of people... employees, self-employed, business owners, and investors. Through this business, our goal is to develop business owners, not to sell products. The product sell themselves through the owners. We are owning a business system... just like McDonalds, Microsoft, and other such companies.

I have a web site up in my company line. My company is called Independent Business Solutions, and I run it under the International Connection line. The address is, and enter #3458670. On the first page, only a name, phone and e-mail is required. No need to enter your address. I am the only one who gets the e-mail, so if you want in the address line put "Jetcareers username" and I'll know it was you. Spend some time taking a look through the information there, since it does a great job in explaining the company much better than I can in a thread.

If you have any questions, please PM me for my e-mail and/or number. Hope to hear from you! I am very excited about this opportunity, and hope to help more pilots get involved so they don't have to rely on their employers to say how much they are worth. I just met the head of International Connection, Brian Hays, last night at a meeting in the Chicago suburbs at a nice hotel. This guy is making over $1 million a year in this business... that is after doing this for 30 years. With that kind of money, I can buy my own Learjet and write off the expenses on my taxes!
Yeah I was involved in that way back in the day - even before Amway became Quixtar. I didn't do well with it but then again I didn't put alot of effort into it.

Yeah, a few of the people I tried to get interested with it claimed "if I don't see cash right away I'm don't want it." So they gave up after a few months. It isn't for everyone though. Just if you have patience and people skills. NOT saying you don't have that Jason!
Just saying in general.
Yes, it is the pyramid scheme.

I actually saw that site before I registered on Quixtar. I took quite a bit of time reading through both sites, and talking with some people in my flight dept. that I trust highly. I came to the decision to go with the program and move along with it. Many of the things on that site (the anti-Quixtar one) seem very wishywashy.

You really need to think for yourself though, and decide if something like this is for you. One of the things on there said something about faking status... well I dunno how to fake rich when I'm a poor CFI!
Trust me I've tried it with girls in the downtown bars and it doesn't work.
My opinion over pyramid schemes is don't do it if you have to put any money into it (more than $50 is bad). One recommendation for EVERYONE here though - do NOT do the Primerica thing. I was called several times by numerous "Personal Financial Assistants" (not a legal certification by the way) to get involved with this "new" and "exciting" business that was "expanding" into the San Diego area. So...I did a lot of research on Primerica, and called my good friend/co-worker who knew all about it. You go there and they perform psychological tactics on you to try to get you to get involved with their system. You have to pay $300 to start up and they promise you $100,000 in one year... but that is if you recruit recruit recruit and do more recruiting... not a good business to get involved with. But that other business that was mentioned in this post - just be careful.
I went to this interview once.....they got everybody all hyped up and told us that we would be selling "CutCo".....friggin' steak knives. I'm not walking up to Gramma and Gramps and asking them to buy my steak knives....

Orale pues!!!

My friend did that steak knives stuff! I was kinda like "ohhhhhh kay......." but then I realized he was holding like 10 super sharp weapons so I shut my mouth.

I only dropped $40 to start with this company. I figure with my Nautica purchase savings I've already basically recouped most of my investment. I don't plan on making many more purchases until I am making more than I would be buying. It's just how you play the game.

I was very intrigued to find out another instructor I work with who is doing this just wrote off their new computer for taxes. That in itself is worth it, even if not making $150,000 a year. If I can make maybe $800 a month, and continue to help people learn about business and leadership (which is why I'm in this, FOR REAL), then that's awesome.

I've learned more about business and finance in a month of this than I did in a semester of a business class. How sad is that.
You can always look up the company on the Better Business Breau site. They don't like pyramid schemes though (aren't they illegal in some states?). I once was 'offered' a scheme in which I'd need to put in $500 to 'own a business'. Yeah right....

But I do hope it works out for you Fly.
I went to this interview once.....they got everybody all hyped up and told us that we would be selling "CutCo".....friggin' steak knives. I'm not walking up to Gramma and Gramps and asking them to buy my steak knives....

Orale pues!!!


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That's hilarious! You're bringing back memories for me. When I was in high school I actually went to a training session for selling CutCo knives but could never get myself to actually do it because you have to hit up all your relatives and friends who feel guilty about saying no to your presentation and then are guilted into buying them. Funny you should mention your grandparents because my grandma was the one telling me how dumb it was!
could never get myself to actually do it because you have to hit up all your relatives and friends who feel guilty about saying no to your presentation and then are guilted into buying them.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. I had a similar experience with a life insurance company (not Primerica, but definitely stay away from them. I think their founder actually went to jail a couple of years ago). In the future, I'm not going to take any job where they ask for a list of 100 people that you know.
This is like the scene from "Go" when the two actors get arrested, but end up having dinner at the arresting officer's home.

"It''s.... confederated products..."