Brown Bagging it.


New Member
I was just wondering if there are refrigerators or places to put a cooler at the academy. I plan on brown baggin it most of the time.
Yep. It's a 3-door restaurant service size/type. It's full every day but always plenty of room. Just be able to distinguish your plastic Wal-Mart shopping bag from the other 100 of them in there haha... There is also a freezer in case you bring a Lean Cuisine or something like that. It looks identical to the fridge though, so be careful if you don't want your sandwich or whatever to be frozen at lunch like a kid in my class did lol...

This is in the Stafford Building, I'm not sure what building you will be in, but I would imagine the RTF (?) building has the same.
Yep. It's a 3-door restaurant service size/type. It's full every day but always plenty of room. Just be able to distinguish your plastic Wal-Mart shopping bag from the other 100 of them in there haha... There is also a freezer in case you bring a Lean Cuisine or something like that. It looks identical to the fridge though, so be careful if you don't want your sandwich or whatever to be frozen at lunch like a kid in my class did lol...

This is in the Stafford Building, I'm not sure what building you will be in, but I would imagine the RTF (?) building has the same.
Building 14 is NOT the same, they have one fridge that is always packed with crap and never cleaned out. And there are only two microwaves, one of which only works if you hold your mouth a certain way, and both of which are disgustingly filthy and never cleaned either. But I still brought a lunch every day, as did a lot of people in my class.
Is there a Starbuck's or Java City onsite?

I saw they use Aramark, so I would assume they have a Java City... then again,,, probably not.
There are two places in Building 14 you can put stuff in. One is in "Ted's." It's a small cafe with a normal household refrig. There is another large commercial type refrig right inside the main door to the building (west side). Both work fine. Not the cleanest but nothing has ever happened to anything I have put in there. The cafeteria in the hdqrs building is ok but closes at 2pm. Ted's closes around 6:30-7:00pm. If you have nights you don't have much of a choice but to bring your own.
There are two places in Building 14 you can put stuff in. One is in "Ted's." It's a small cafe with a normal household refrig. There is another large commercial type refrig right inside the main door to the building (west side). Both work fine. Not the cleanest but nothing has ever happened to anything I have put in there. The cafeteria in the hdqrs building is ok but closes at 2pm. Ted's closes around 6:30-7:00pm. If you have nights you don't have much of a choice but to bring your own.

I have never seen this commercial fridge. Inside the west entrance? By student services? That's the only west entrance to building 14. Of course technically speaking Ted's is in building 3. Are you talking about the RTF, building 25?
I have never seen this commercial fridge. Inside the west entrance? By student services? That's the only west entrance to building 14. Of course technically speaking Ted's is in building 3. Are you talking about the RTF, building 25?

I guess it would be Bldg 25. They are kind of connected. It's right inside the main door on the west side, lower level.
I guess it would be Bldg 25. They are kind of connected. It's right inside the main door on the west side, lower level.
Oh ok that makes sense then. Only time I went in that building was the EOC survey after basics

I am not sure this is going to work out for me.

Maybe we can bring our own "pod" coffee machines...small enought to fit in your man-bag or the like...
i am only going to be 3 miles from the academy and am bringing my dog. do you who are in class now think that i would have time to run home and let him out?
i am only going to be 3 miles from the academy and am bringing my dog. do you who are in class now think that i would have time to run home and let him out?
Not allowed to leave the campus. Officially. But I'm sure you'd have time. Lunch is 40 minutes.
There is a starbucks on Macauthor by I40. It's about a 5-10 minute drive from the academy and it's on the way if you live at Walnut, Apple Tree, or Spanish Gardens. Teds is all fried food. The cafe is good, but it closes at about 2. There are 2 fridges, one at Teds and one in the front of building 25, the ITR-RTF building. There are 2 microwaves next to Teds. Make sure you put your items in the middle of the microwave, and one in the Cafe.

I miss it out there. It was fun and I met a bunch of great people.