Brief Apology To The Staff of JC


New Member
Dear JC Mods, Admin and owners,

I would like to first and foremost extend a warm handshake to you all for doing what you do. I know it may seem a bit weird.. or quirky or whatever but I thought I would take a moment to project some newfound gratitude in your direction.

I have been many things in my life thus far.. you see. Line Service at an FBO, Student Pilot, US Marine, Call Center Supervisor, Student of Philosophy, OTS Applicant, obstinant aviation forum member... but few and far between have the challenges been that have put me to the test as much as assisting and contributing.. and helping build and maintain a website not unlike your own.

Recently I have begun to discover the true values of the secret life of a website over-seer. While I am still in the process of extrapolating and condensing the vagaries of situations (not unlike the ones I have put the most of you in at one time or another) I have recently been in the throws of.. i am beginning to realize and appreciate the notions of everyone getting along.. remaining cordial, and helping out.

Needless to say, you all know what I'm talking about and details at this point are beyond necessity.

JC, thank you for all of your hard work. I humbly retire the competitive banner from my signature on your website.

-The Raydon
Not a problem. I appreciate you for sticking around and helping out where you can.

I believe in the 'pay it forward' principle where everyone, no matter what level they are, can have a helpful perspective and that you can educate and have a good time doing it.

First round is on me whenever our paths cross. ;)
Anytime man! :)

If there's trouble to be had, it'll be had!

(Hey, I'm going to expect the occasional "cleared direct to..." in your airspace, bro! :))
I'm in trouble if you're drinking beer.. you're in trouble if I'm drinking wine.

it's a deal.
we have wine and beer.. you can't go wrong.

I appreciate your candidness...

Glad to see you back Raydon! hopefully you can help us keep the plants growing green and not getting too dry? :p
wow I realize today my post may seem a little drastic or like something bad happened. everything's fine with me and stuckmic. lol!

I'm just saying that from one staff member to the next.. Sorry if I was ever a combative pain the arse. lol


us staff have to stick together.. even if we are on different websites
As a mod on another forum, I like to come here and play the other side, stirring up trouble wherever I can. :D
Not a problem. I appreciate you for sticking around and helping out where you can.

I believe in the 'pay it forward' principle where everyone, no matter what level they are, can have a helpful perspective and that you can educate and have a good time doing it.

First round is on me whenever our paths cross. ;)

Aaaaand hug it out...
No, that's a 1 Up. He'll use it after his first deal.

...that seems funny to me right now, but when I come back and read it later, it'll be retarded.

.. ehhh.. i'll give it a 5 out of 10. Points for the mario reference but I think you could have drawn it out a little longer.