For Sale Bose qc15/uflymike

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That guy
I've once again been bit by the gear bug, and ordered a pair of the claity's, so I'm selling the qc15 and uflymike adapter.

Both are in great shape, the only knock on the uflymike, is the headphone plug has been replaced ( local AV shop) so the plug and wire are a little different( just the section after the split, rest is OEM)

It is the tso'd version of the headset. I love em, like to see 350 shipped, but always open to offers. Pics available vial email.
Sorry guys, been dealing with sick kid/ family so I haven't been on top of things. I'll try to get some pics posted to this forum..
<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

The Zip tied cord is a stero mini pin, for connecting to my phone... I should add... that can be gone, or included.
I wonder if Bose built the A20 around uflymike's product. They look to be about the same size of headset. I sold my A20 when I stopped sitting between two piston pounders. I regret it. IMO Bose X's have nothing on the A20s. I'd love to try this combo.//endthreaddrift//
I have the A20, had the X. Comfort wise, the QC15 is tops. Noise canceling, the A20. The qc and x have similar noise canceling qualities. The uflymike has adjustable mic gain and headphone impeadence.

If you commute, I'm pretty sure nothing beats the qc15 & uflymike.

This set is roughly 2 years old... Purchased at tge same time.

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