Big Pay Cuts at Ram Air Freight

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I just got an e-mail yesterday from the President of the company saying that all employees would have to take an enormous pay cut starting in mid April. This has to do with the fact that we have lost quite a few runs in the past few months. More and more banks are choosing to drive their checks and other documents where they need to go instead of flying them there.

I always thought that more and more banks would start sending their stuff electronically, but instead they are just putting it on a truck instead of on an airplane.

The pay cut is in addition to the two pilots that were furloughed about a month ago. I know that one of them had been previously furloughed by Airnet. To give you an idea of how big the pay cut is, my salary will be cut from $145 per day (third year pay rate) to $100 per day.

I think that I will need to get a second job on the weekends. I hope that McDonalds is still hiring.

Sorry about your luck. I never thought you would lose a check run to them going to drivers as opposed to electronic. :confused: Sounds like a step back to me.
Veloci: Hey, wait a minute! You're that guy who's constantly telling cargo pilots to shut their mouths about SLF flying because they don't know of what they speak! This is some kind of hilarious self-parody, isn't it? Get a hobby.

If you could read for comprehension, I was commenting on the lack of a Union allowing his company to arbitrarily cut his pay. The fact that he flies for a cargo hauler is superfluous. Get it?

Following around some cartoonish loudmouth union caricature trying to paper over his outlandish, repetitive ranting with something approaching sense or at least engagment is a waste of your time..

It may be a waste of YOUR time simply because you appear to support "Right to Work." Your favorite movie is probably Deliverance.

uhh... this "jarhead" is serving to give u the ability to speak freely, so show the man some respect would ya?

I suppose 11.5 years of active duty and 3.5 in the reserves gives me enough time in the service to use the term "jarhead." Because IF you had that much time, you'd know its a term of endearment.

So save the lecture, slick.
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