Bid Early Bid Often

It's up to almost a 1/2 million bucks, way overpriced. Hopfully the new owners are in South America, that's the only place you'll be able to fly that thing soon.
What's wrong with it?

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RVSM, thing doesn't even have loran, let alone TCAS and TAWS. I've never seen it in RIC either.
RVSM, TAWS, NOISE and low-altitude inefficiency...the 4 big problems for old jets...that's what's wrong with it. Probably a beautiful aircraft.

I've got my checkbook out and am ready to start bidding. One thing I need to be sure of before I commit to my first jet aircraft: Does this thing have a swept wing???
That is weird. I would think you'd want to see something like that in person and not buy it on ebay. Isn't it like a car? You want to test it and stuff? Plus ebay is taking a percent of the winnings, why lose that percent?
People sell cars on eBay all the time. As to buying sight-unseen, I'd think if you really wanted to buy, a "subject to satisfactory pre-purchase inspection" clause could be added with the seller.

eBay's cut is a lot less than a professional broker would charge for selling the airplane. (Of course, you get what you pay for.)

Odds are that these old 20-series Lears are going to become throwaway birds in another year, when DRVSM renders them obsolete. It's pretty much impossible to justify the huge cost of upgrading those airplanes, or the even bigger cost penalty of keeping them below 280 the rest of their working lives.

They don't even say when the engines where over hauled. Just their total time, says they have 8,000 hours on 'em.
So run out engines and no avionics, seem's like some guy got suckered into what looks like, I could be missing some thing, bad deal. What do the rest of you think? If you had the money would you get it?
Huh? I'd call that pretty complete avionics. Also, the left engine has about 2900 since overhaul and the right about 2500.
One thing I need to be sure of before I commit to my first jet aircraft: Does this thing have a swept wing???

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I've got my checkbook out and am ready to start bidding. One thing I need to be sure of before I commit to my first jet aircraft: Does this thing have a swept wing???

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Depends on who you ask. Learjet(different companies depending on the year of manufacture), NASA, Flightsafty, Simuflight, and every Lear captain I have flown with say yes. but they are all in the 35 and the 55, so the 24 may be different.

Others will disagree.
Huh? I'd call that pretty complete avionics. Also, the left engine has about 2900 since overhaul and the right about 2500.

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Does any one know what TBO is on that engine? The avionics don't look nice to me. No GPS, thing doesn't even have loran. Only thing in it is radar. I don't know every thing needed for RVSM, but isn't is some thing like 2 GPS's, TAW's, TCAS, and a presision autopilot? Does any one know what RVSM on a lear will cost, $300,000?
Originally posted by Eagle

"every Lear captain I have flown with"

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Does that make a grand total of 2? With your 100 or so hours in jets and all...
Why aren't you a Captain yet???
Originally posted by Eagle

"every Lear captain I have flown with"

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Does that make a grand total of 2? With your 100 or so hours in jets and all...
Why aren't you a Captain yet???

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You guys sure are tenacious.

"The Learjet experts at LJSC, Inc. are developing a new RVSM solution for Learjet 20 series aircraft.

The package, which LJSC hopes to price below $150,000, includes a Digital Air Data System, Autopilot Interface and new Pitot/Static sensors. Those familiar with the older Lears say the early autopilot systems-designed by Bill Lear himself-have extremely accurate altitude hold capability and just require the digital interface to bridge old and new technology to comply with RVSM requirements.

Also participating in the project are Wichita-based Midwest Corporate Aviation and Aeromech of Everett, Wash. MCA will conduct flight testing and initial installations, while Aeromech-which has assisted in RVSM certification of more than 3,200 aircraft-will provide certification documentation."
You guys sure are tenacious.

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It is too easy!

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I have this visual of two pit bulls, each with a nice tight teeth grip on the other's hind leg. Round, and round, and round, and round, and round they go. Hobble, gnaw, growl.
Well, that thread that was in the technical section about swept wings was so entertaining I thought I would throw the bait out there. I guess they bit! It was too good an opportunity to pass up. Grrrrr

Does that make a grand total of 2? With your 100 or so hours in jets and all... [image]

Umm no, and Not even close.

Keep guessing if you want.

I will tell you when you are getting warmer or colder..

So with that post.
