BFR Identification Requirements


Well-Known Member
The FAA could not give me a 100% answer.

The TSA referred me to their website which took me to the Security awareness training mod. which never gave me the answer.

Couldnt find it in the FAR/AIM.

If you are gonna give a BFR to someone do you have to have a copy of their birth certificate or passport???

The FAA could not give me a 100% answer.

The TSA referred me to their website which took me to the Security awareness training mod. which never gave me the answer.

Couldnt find it in the FAR/AIM.

If you are gonna give a BFR to someone do you have to have a copy of their birth certificate or passport???


Flight reviews not included. AOPA has a good explanation.
The TSA alien flight training regulation just may be the most ill-thought-out, useless, wasteful, and inefficient steaming pile of manure that the TSA has implemented yet. And given their spectacular history, that's saying something.
The TSA alien flight training regulation just may be the most ill-thought-out, useless, wasteful, and inefficient steaming pile of manure that the TSA has implemented yet. And given their spectacular history, that's saying something.

I fixed it for you....

The TSA just may be the most ill-thought-out, useless, wasteful, and inefficient steaming pile of manure that the US Government has implemented yet.