B44/re-dispatch question


Well-Known Member
Not sure which carriers use this but wanted to ask a question regarding alternate use and any regulations in writing on this.

Do you need an alternate in this situation.

LHR-CYQX initial destination under 5:55
CYQX-JFK re-dispatch 2:00

Is an alternate required. No because each flight segment is under 6 hours or yes because the entire flight is over 6 hours.

I’m not a dispatcher nor did I stay at a holiday inn express last night, but no alternate is required.

That said, as a pilot I’ve had this bite me a couple times. The most recent was departing Asia for ANC. Overburned a bit trying to go around weather over China, plus ATC kept us low. Just BARELY made our redispatch (200kg if I remember correctly). Long story short, on arrival into ANC we find out that an AA 777 diverted to ANC and they closed all three runways until crash fire rescue could check them out. They got it open pretty quick but we were about 5 min from having to declare min fuel. Landed with basically a go around +20 min of fuel which definitely made me uncomfortable.
This is the way.
One thing to remember, some countries require an alternate regardless of whether you are arriving or departing said county.
So even on a redispatch flight plan, you would have to list an alternate on the redispatch leg (or at least put one in the atc filing) 😉