Using Microsoft Photo Editor (if you have it) will give you slightly better results when resizing; but a real photo editor is best. It does a better, smoother job at resizing, plus you have better control over the amount of compression when saving to the .jpg format.
The only thing I'm not sure of is if using photos from is a violation of Restrictions on usage of photos.
You have
limited rights to personally view the images with your web browser and to use them as your personal computer wallpaper (or background image) on your own computer. These photos may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, cropped, resized, or otherwise altered without the written permission of the photographer. No commercial use of these photos may be made in any way. All rights are reserved.
You may not use these photos on any web page, commercial or non-commercial, for profit or non-profit, without written permission from the photographer.
[/ QUOTE ]
Mine is from's 727 image gallery; according to their terms and conditions:
Boeing owns and retains the copyrights in the images except as noted. No copyright license (either express or implied) is granted to the user, other than the right to reproduce the images without alteration for non-commercial, personal use only.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not sure if I'm in violation of that one... I did alter the image by shrinking it, although the use is non-commercial, but is it personal? I don't know. I guess one of these days I'll change it to a photo of myself.