What's the cheapest route--other than going to the regional airlines--for someone to get their ATP-CTP course and ATP Practical completed?
work part time at a simulator facility? ATP-CTP course can be provided as a perk.All the threads on this topic seem outdated.
What's the cheapest route--other than going to the regional airlines--for someone to get their ATP-CTP course and ATP Practical completed?
This notwithstanding, airline pilots like hiring airline pilots, and if you want to be an airline pilot, now is a good time to go be a regional jet driver.Can also use GI Bill to pay (partially) for said things. That's what I did/am doing, as I'm not intending to go to the regionals. As was already mentioned, if DAL is your flavor, they only technically require ATP written to be complete (and obviously CTP as it is a prereq for written now).