ATP certificate at ATP flight school?


Well-Known Member
Anyone out there get their ATP at ATP? There is a branch here at FLL and I saw the ad in FLYING Magazine for the (relatively) cheap 3 day ATP course. If anybody knows whether or not it is a good idea, please let me know. I really don't know anything about this flight school.
The three day program in FLL includes the written test and prep. Once the test is complete, you will have two training flights for your checkride. This program is a very quick and effective way to recieve your ATP. It is recommended that you are very instrument proficient as this ride is an instrument checkride. And if you have had had much experience in light piston twins, it would also be wise to obtain some experience before arriving for training. The instructors in Fort Lauderdale are very professional individuals. They should be able to take good care of you. Good luck with your career.

Craig Browning
Instructor, ATP Raleigh-Duram
Thanks a lot for the input, I think I will do it that way. I have about 2100 hours with 900 multi, and 50 in the Seminole (850 hrs in C402's)....