ATC shortage article

Saw this firsthand and a main reason I retired immediately when eligible. ATL TRACON has 68 controllers, where they're supposed to have apx 104, right now with 21 set to leave or retire. Last 6 years I worked on average 700+ hours of overtime. 60 hours a week, every week is mind numbing.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems I've heard the FAA is shooting themselves in the foot on this one with their new selection procedures?
Pretty much so, but it's the same old story just a different excuse/issue. It's either the selection procedures, trying to do more with less, sequestration, Congress, the White Book etc etc. It'll never change.....until an accident is directly attributed to staffing or controller fatigue.
It's going to take quite a few years for them to fix this staffing issue, especially at the higher level facilities. I've read/heard that the new ERR process they just came out with is kind of a bitch as well. From what I can tell, it's going to make it even harder to transfer out of lower level facilities due to the staffing %age they're implementing now. One-two people leave and you gotta wait however long it takes new people to certify to replace the ones you lost before you can go anywhere. Makes me much more hesitant to try and go faa instead of staying contract. I'm already in a pretty nice area, why leave and take a facility like Duluth, MN if its going to possibly take me an additional year or two before I can transfer out/up due to a person leaving and putting that facility below the allowable %age of staffing.
If only relevant experience mattered more than the magical answer to: "Did you play 3 or more sports in High School?".
it's going to make it even harder to transfer out of lower level facilities

Not just the lower level facilities. A buddy of mine is trying to leave A80 to go back to New England. Here's his exact quotes to me:

That release MOU policy is in effect. A90 called on me, but since that policy is in place I wont be released until A80 gets 87 cpc's, which will be never. We are at like 68 and losing 21 within 12 months.... soooo I'm here forever essentially.

Glad I left when I did.
Don't forget too, the new NEST program for washouts extends to CPC-ITs. For DEV's sure, but for CPC-IT's? Make the move from a 8-10 to a 12 and don't make it? Well, we have a fine selection of level 5's for you. I certified at a 10 and was off and on pestering my wife to try A80 out. I'm a realist. My chances were probably 50/50, definitely no sure thing. Then I'd think about the forced OT and I was content where I was, but the thought was still there. Now? If I don't hack it I'll get sent to a VFR tower, lose a ton of pay AND getting back to where I am would be at the whim of a faceless committee AND staffing levels. Yeah, no thanks.

Not to mention the pay jump from 10-11-12 is a drop in the bucket and MANY terminal facilities downgraded to 8's&9's from 10 and up a couple of years back. Its not worth the gamble to end up on the 5 scale.
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Thanks for the insight fellas. It's definitely making me a little more hesitant on pulling the trigger. I don't mind paying my dues at a lower level facility, but I sure as hell don't want to be stuck at one for a longer period of time. Seems like people will be spending a lot more of their career in 1-2 places trying to get to a desired facility. And that whole NEST process on cpc-it's is absolutely atrocious. Do they not have return rights anymore? What a slap in the face if you're certified at a 10, realistically trying to help out by going to a very understaffed 12, only to be sent to a 5-6 if you wash. I can see that backfiring in their face big time since people will not want to deal with that bs.
I have an ERR in so was interested in the new MOU but now it's basically looking for a swap to have any chance of moving. I'm trying to get to ZTL and considered A80 if they offer money again but man.... 60 hour weeks.... uh no thanks. I didn't realize the change about being sent back to a 5 either. I'll have to dig into that a little. If that's true why is the union helping the faa shoot itself in the foot? The other day the tracon I feed (D10) was down to 2 certified controllers that could work the west side and thus for half the morning needed 15 in trail. It's ridiculous. They could barely find anybody to come in because they are all already on 6 day work weeks....
Thanks for the insight fellas. It's definitely making me a little more hesitant on pulling the trigger. I don't mind paying my dues at a lower level facility, but I sure as hell don't want to be stuck at one for a longer period of time. Seems like people will be spending a lot more of their career in 1-2 places trying to get to a desired facility. And that whole NEST process on cpc-it's is absolutely atrocious. Do they not have return rights anymore? What a slap in the face if you're certified at a 10, realistically trying to help out by going to a very understaffed 12, only to be sent to a 5-6 if you wash. I can see that backfiring in their face big time since people will not want to deal with that bs.

Well, the nuclear option if stuck at a backwater is bid Guam, do 3 years, then you get your pick of facilities. :biggrin:
Genot, where can I find the new nest policy that talks about cpc-it's? Is it only if coming from a lower level facility or even if going from 12-12 you can be sent to a level 5. They aren't going to get any potential suitors if thats the case.
Genot, where can I find the new nest policy that talks about cpc-it's? Is it only if coming from a lower level facility or even if going from 12-12 you can be sent to a level 5. They aren't going to get any potential suitors if thats the case.

I don't want to link to a quasi competitor website, but Google faa nest, first link has the pdf.
From what I have seen with the folks that have washed out of A80, an employee going into the NEST is usually sent back to the same level facility from where they came from.

At least that's the experience I have had at A80, and with the FAA being so short staffed everywhere for the most part you are going to have a pretty good pick of facilities to chose from.
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The NEST has recommended the same level facility as previously certified and lower to all CPC-IT's we have had fail out. In all cases the previous facility was on the list. But you are right it is not a guarantee.
I think the stuffing problem exist because of the FAA dumb hiring process, it takes way too long to bring a person in, couple of my friends from college ATC program waited more then 2 years to get to academy. In addition people who wash out at high level facilities are dumped out of the system instead of given another chance to try at lower level facilities.