ATC Emergencies

Chris Barnes

Well-Known Member
With the release of the ATC tapes regarding Cactus 1549, and a very nice peek into the behind the scenes world of ATC, I thought it might be beneficial to us wannabes (and veterans alike) to learn how a controller handles emergencies. I invite current and past controllers to share their stories of past emergencies they've dealt with and how it was handled.

Specifically, what are the procedures in your facility to handle different emergencies? What are individual controllers told to do when an emergency presents itself? What is the chain of command when handling an emergency? How do you get the information to everyone involved quickly and efficiently? Etc, etc, etc...

Thank you!
make sure your not wearing jeans because you are less likely to handle the emergency correct if your not wearing khakis
make sure your not wearing jeans because you are less likely to handle the emergency correct if your not wearing khakis

1. Crap pants
2. Forward information

I always thought the procedure was....

1. Crap Pants
2. Realize You wore Khakis and not $5 Jeans..Damn Dress Code!
3. Forward Information to the genius supervisor nearest you
4. Let them deal with it :)

I've only worked 2 emergencies in my short time of being fully rated, a Tornado with hung ordnance and an F-22 with a bleed air temp problem. Basically just get the info you are required to gather, pass it along to the sup. and tower, and find out what the pilot wants to do. Its pretty much his game after that and keep your other traffic away from him.

Hung Ordanance? Do you mean ordnance flying on its own in the tornado????? That could be a big issue.....
Hung Ordanance? Do you mean ordnance flying on its own in the tornado????? That could be a big issue.....
Hung ordnance = a missle/rocket that the pilot tried to launch but did not leave the aircraft. They have the potential to launch unexpectedly. Also refers to hung flares (flares that do not fully leave the aircraft).
Hung Ordanance? Do you mean ordnance flying on its own in the tornado????? That could be a big issue.....

Hahah yeah what was said afterwards.. and it helps to explain that it's a German fighter aircraft named Tornado (pronounced tor-nah-doe).. not the weather phenomenon.
