Do they answer to SUUUEEEEYYY!? SuuuuEEEY ATC this is Cessna Nxxxx requesting the Redneck NDB for 17....currently holding over hokeytonk.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, it's funny that you mention that. Let me preface this by saying that Tyson Foods is based here, and Springdale's airport is on the edge of the city. A lot of Tyson's chicken growers live outside the city on that side, so it smells like chicken • around the chicken houses that way. When I first started my IFR training here, the instructor I had at the time had been flying around "these here parts" for a little over 25+ years. Anywho, first approach I've ever shot, ILS 18 into ASG. We get handed to tower, and my instructor calls tower (the guy in the tower had been working at ASG for 15+ years) and requests a change from the ILS 18 to the "Chicken One" approach. I'm not kidding. As I give her a "what the hell?" look, she gets a smirk on her face. The guy in tower promptly comes back with the clearance I'll never forget. "Cessna 02U, your approach clearance has been changed as requested. You are cleared for the 'Chicken One approach' into Springdale. Report leaving 'the smell' inbound." My instructor busts out laughing, and repeats the clearance to the tower. She then enlightens me, that the 'chicken one' approach, is where you fly over Springdale with the window open ,and when you smell chicken •, you descend.
Gotta love those rare slow days around here!!!
Good Arkie jokes though!! But, you forgot the one about if a couple gets a divorce in Arkansas, are they still brother and sister?
It's funny that whenever I was in FL last year, or Los Angeles a couple of years ago, everybody was surprised that a) I wore shoes b) I bathe and c) I don't have an accent. I lucked out though, there's pretty much two places to live in Arkanslaw that're okay. That's in NW Arkansas (where I'm from) or Little Rock. The difference between here and L.R., is that you won't get shot here. Outside of those two areas, the movie Deliverance is pretty much right on the money.