At least, I have found Him


Damn, what a racist PRICK! Cant stand people that make funnies! ;)

Bigey Boy`

It is not a biggie at all brother, it's all good. Max is just a little bit jealous that he doesn't find any gay persians to hit on.

P.S: Just a joke Max, you know I love you! (lol)
Oh man, awesome to hear!


This 5-0 epidemic is spreading. Next thing you know we're gonna be having discussions about our patrol units lights, our standard issue sidearm, our BUGs, and our hook and books!

Goodness, one ticket from Mike D & Mr Bigey will be a good boy:nana2:

JT, thanks for the info on Mike D, glad that things are working out for him, though if the poor guy is working "3" jobs, doubt the poor guy is getting any:panic:, may have to start a "Mike D needs to get laid fund", don't want a crank cop on the beat:nana2: