I think that I can help you here. I am a CWO in the Army National Guard and have flown the UH-1, AH-1 and the C-12. My current position is Senior Instructor Pilot and Instrument Flight Examiner on the C-12, while in civilian life I fly a C-650. I have flown Helicopters and Fixed Wing both for the Military and in Civilian life so I can offer some qualified answers.
The reality is if you fly for the Army you will fly Helicopters. The selection process for Fixed Wing is extremely competative, and prior fixed wing experience doesn't seem to factor in. The "needs" of the service will take precedence over any thing you might want or feel that you deserve. If you think that you would be happy flying helicopters then I would strongly recommend the Warrant Officer program, it will maximize your opportunities. Don't be tempted by the extra money you could make as a commissioned officer (because you have a 4 yr. degree), if you want to fly stay Warrant.
I have to wonder why with a 4 yr. degree you wouldn't consider the Air Force. I don't know the regs on lasik. If I could do it all over again I would have finished college and tried to get a slot with the Air Force flying something really big. I just picked up a 3 star General last night as he got off a C-17 flying in from Germany, and crawled into my little itty bitty C-12, Guess which airplane I would really rather be flying. If you want a commerciall career in the after life I would recommend against Helicopters, there is just no money in it, at best you might make 50K plus or minus a little. You must decide for yourself what it is you want to do then focus your efforts accordingly and stay the course. You are have a great opportunity ahead of you and its seems like you are seriosly considering your opptions. Good Luck, and let me know how else I can help you.