Ryan Foster
Hey everyone I'm new to this board and figured it would be the right place to get some answers as many of you have flying experience. I myself have never flown any sort of aircraft but have always had an itch to fly as most people probably have at some point. I'm currently headed into my last semester of college and I'll have a Bachelor's degree in Health Studies in May. I had former plans of going to Grad school for Physical Therapy but have had a change of heart and decided that I would look into joining the Army. I've taken the ASVAB and did decent with an 86 AFQT and 124 GT. I have also already gone through the Physical process at MEPs. I'm currently studying for the SIFT, need a flight physical, and need to work on LORs. I have family members that are up there in the military but none with flight experience and I'm hoping that I could get some insight. I'd greatly appreciate any advice from anybody who has been through the application process to become a Warrant Officer.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas,
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas,