I am really having a difficult time understanding your vitriol of someone you know nothing about, who has been critically injured and may not even live. Why do you find it necessary to even make such completely out of place and disrespectful comments like this?
Don't point at me for your inability to understand.
An injured person is not to be scoffed. I am saddened that anyone should suffer physical pain. Truly I do. Unfortunately I know firsthand the immense discomfort of that state. (in the aftermath of one such incident I died on the operating table and was resuscitated. Is that not enough for you?) However, my comments have not been about that. Indeed, my comments have been all about how this apparently unqualified person came to be in sole command of a large vehicle, which off airport property, if even for personal use would dictate possession of CDL. Yet this person, in apparent ignorance, came to be in sole control of a govt asset which exists solely for crash, fire, or rescue on airport property. Further, I reiterate my claim that this accident, this injury, was the culmination of a 'look the other way', lackadaisical, permutation of classical elitist attitude performed and perpetuated by govt personnel. Such distinctives have existed and been promulgated within local govt for such a very long time that they have become de jour. Is that clear enough for you?
The apparent vitriol of my comments is derived from an insiders understanding of how local govt works especially within the state of California.
I hope you do not mean to suggest that I find delight in the sufferings of another person. I sincerely hope you do not suggest that even though your comments appear to suggest the same. While tragic, let me suggest something to you. A firefighter, by his nature of employment, is not to be hero-worshipped. I intend no disrespect but I will not knuckle under or capitulate to the informal and unwritten demand of respect warranted to one who occupies the position simply because they occupy the position. Such warrant is without merit.
Lastly, I have known many who have died. Some have passed due to disease or cancer, such as my dad. Others have perished due to accident whether it be high risk activity or grand misfortune. Still, others were because of suicide. Three times I was the last person to see such victim alive. One was found with detached head rolling in the waters of a small creek. Another, a most favored friend, had taken shotgun to mouth with expected results. Do not lecture to me of the tragedy of death.
At the number 25 I stopped counting the number of friends and close associates lost in aircraft accidents. One such accident involved the loss of 5 close associates. Can you imagine the horror of not just one but five deaths in a single accident? I do not wish this upon any person. I am not unknowing of premature and tragic death. I stopped counting but I remember the name of each person.