Well-Known Member
I have read posts from last year, that someone or someones has a gouge for Nan.... Anyone? Trying to schedule for mid-late April.
I have read posts from last year, that someone or someones has a gouge for Nan.... Anyone? Trying to schedule for mid-late April.
Is she from the Tulsa area?
Yeah, her office is at Christensen Jet Center South (just North of the tower) on RVS which is on the SW side of Tulsa. RVS is an awesome airport, btw - parallel r/wys, class D, on the edge of Intl's class C, and lots of flight school/personal/business operations. It is consistently ranked in the top 10 or 20 busiest airports in the nation. Too bad it's in Oklahoma...:drool::drool::drool::laff:
I never liked giving out gouges. Learn as if you were taking a test with a random examiner and you will be a better pilot for it.
Well, to be fair, there are SOME examiners out there that have some pretty weird little quirks and obsessions and it can be good to warn the student beforehand.Unfortunately, that is what doing a checkride has come down to.
In an ideal world, yes.Should not matter what quirks a DPE has or does not have.
Signoff = Ready to pass test with DPE or FSDO.
Lack of oversight. No wonder things are bad.
In an ideal world, yes.
In the real world...
...well, maybe when you CFI for a while you'll see how wrong or right I am.
Hmm.I'l report back to you then - I promise!
Not saying anyone is wrong, but the system is crooked.
Just like AF's having trained their DPE's not to test FOI (or very limited) if the applicant holds a eff'n ground instructor rating. Unbelievable double standards.
Any suggestions on how to fix it?