Any news on instructor pool?

It would be my guess that other academies need outside instructors about as much as FSI does now.

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Academies yes, but you might have better luck at a mom-n-pop FBO flight school.

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I totally agree. I was just replying to whether I would work for another academy like PanAm or Comair, etc. I've already got a half offer/suggestion that I could work back at my FBO in Chicago. And I'm just starting my Inst. flying!

*****They are at FBOs and they are scattered around the country. The internet is your best resource as well as the Marketing Department at FSA******

I agree with using the internet. However.... I would not rely on the marketing department. I went in there inquiring about help and was told the best they could do is point me to some internet sites and look over my resume. Beyond that, they could give no further assistance until looking for a regional job.

For anyone on the wait list, rumor has it with the number of IP's being hired off or entering the internship program, a single engine stand class may not be too far off........
Where can we get the numbers for people getting hired or into the internship? This information just isn't easy to find, and certain people in the administration seem to think that a SP in Step 2 has no business asking about it anyway. (I'm still pissed about my fishbowl encounter) I feel that if FSI were completely open and honest about the numbers it would give them more credibility. Currently the numbers are difficult to determine, and they are pinning all their hopes on a turnaround that may not happen for a very long time. I can understand the balancing act that the administration must be facing, but the current "hide and hope" strategy isn't working. Example: I'm eating lunch at a North Florida airport restaurant on an XC, and meet some guys from Comair. They are honestly interested in knowing if the rumor about FSI's long instructor wait time is true. We talk and I learn they have NO pool there. They suggested I do my CFI there, and I may.

Three people from my class have already left, and everywhere you hear people saying they are not doing their CFI here. The school is trying to help the higher time IPs with an internship and ATP class, but it appears to be too little, too late. I still believe this is among the best flight schools in the world, but have doubts about the strategy that the FSI management is pursuing. Many of the foreign airline training contracts were lost and are not likely to be recovered (Saudia, Swissair, etc) so the only demand for IPs is to train the SPs that are left, who want to be IPs....

Enough of this rant. Most of you know me to be very rational and in favor of my school, but this situation really bothers me. I would also like to add that 99% of the staff here is extremely courteous and helpful, and the IPs do work very hard for sometimes little pay. Take your IP to lunch!
There is not alot they can do to solve this. The reason we all know Comair has no wait list is because they can their instructors after 800 hours. They also hire more CFI's than they need and wash out the extras when they are standardized. At FSI stand is tough, but almost everyone makes it through.

Just because you can't get a job at a big academy does not mean that you can not build hours as a successful CFI at a FBO. If there is one near home, you could live cheap. You will still have good training and if you build a rep. as a good instructor students will seek you out. I cannot tell you the horror stories I have heard from other pilots I know about how horrible some of their instructors back home were. It is the reason alot of people came to FSI.
For anyone on the wait list, rumor has it with the number of IP's being hired off or entering the internship program, a single engine stand class may not be too far off........

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Think twice before you attend a stan class. Even if you get a seat, odds are that you won't be able to get many students when you get out. I'd definitely consider going an alternate route that won't tie you down for 2-3 years.
The reason we all know Comair has no wait list is because they can their instructors after 800 hours.

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The fortunate thing for Comair's instructors is that it's very rare these days that they aren't getting hired at Comair or Chautauqua after they give their 800 hours of dual.

They also hire more CFI's than they need and wash out the extras when they are standardized. At FSI stand is tough, but almost everyone makes it through.

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Interesting story, but not true. It's a tough ten days, by no means easy, but it is quite rare when someone washes out of standz class at Comair.