Any flight attendants out there?


New Member
I'm a corporate flight attendant who is has not flown in, about three years now. I sued the Detroit Tigers baseball team, and won. Now can't seem to get a job at all. They all must be afraid of me. Miss being all over the world!
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I'm Amber, the resident (and only, I think) F/A here on Jetcareers.

My story is here . Though I really ought to write an update, as I've been furloughed for 2 1/2 years now. I'm now a stay-at-home mom to my two boys, and couldn't go back to flying full-time right now even if I did want to. (Lack of 24-hour available child care.)

Have you checked out ? There's an available jobs section.

Are you looking to stay corporate or do the airline thing?
Hi Amber, no I have not checked out that web site, however I will now. Sounds like you have your hands full now, and a important job there also. I am 40, and my sons are now 22 &amp; 23 all grown now. Sure miss them being little boys though, I always knew what they were up to, and safe in bed at night. But they grew up, and now on their own. Thanks for the info I will give a try. Lisa
lk55, you sued the Detroit Tigers! Oh thats a crime!!! j/k I used to live in Detroit and I'm still a fan but they suck!
Actually, there's another flight attendant on the board whose about to start flight training, but I don't want to 'out her'!
Too late....guess I can't "lurk" anymore

Thanks Doug
Amber is right though is your best bet out there it's a great site with tons of info and people anxious to help.