Any CSIPs here?

I suppose Cirrus and CSIPs are also feeling the pinch from the economy.

Whatever you do, please don't drink or serve the kool-aid.

A Cirrus pilot who follows the rules
Is it worth it? Is there demand for CSIP services?

My boss paid for me to get my CSIP and I fly him everywhere in his Cirrus. I only one of two CSIP's in my state. (Besides my boss) I only got one call to ferry a Cirrus because I was a CSIP, in the past 6 months. Of course here in the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming its very RARE to see a Cirrus, maybe the eastern states might be a little more popular.
Cirrus something


Cirrus Standard Instructor Program

Someone who was trained by Cirrus (previously by UND) as a way to improve safety and standardize procedures. once you go through the training, Cirrus puts you on their website so that other Cirrus owners can get recurrent training, or currency etc. Insurance also drops quite a bit if your a CSIP flying a Cirrus I believe.
There is one at our school.

Is it worth spending the 3 grand without an airplane? Not a chance.

If you have to pay for it, and your school has an airplane? It depends how much the plane flies.
That's interesting.

There's a Cirrus fractional company here in AUS that's doing well according to local scuttlebutt. I suppose it might make sense to have a or something...on your ticket if you wanted to work with/for those folks.

People with Cirri (plural, right?) tend to have money. Usually a good deal of it. These are the people you want to work for if you don't have any of your own. :)
I did it on my own dime a couple of years ago, wound up costing about 4k total.

Was it worth it? Depends on how you look at it.

From a purely financial standpoint it took probably 18 months to get that 4k back through instructing. The school I do some work for has several, but they just don't fly that much. I only got one or two calls from individual Cirrus owners for recurrent training and there are a lot of the airplanes here in Minnesota.

The whole Cirrus thing, at least here in Minnesota, is kind of weird. Even the really experienced CSIPs just aren't getting a ton of business from individual owners. We've talked about it among ourselves and either we're just horrible at marketing or folks just aren't doing a whole lot of recurrent training.

I think the insurance requirements have relaxed a bit. Most policies used to require recurrent training but I get the feeling that's not as common. A surprising amount of owners seem to be willing to pay much higher premiums and just fly the things without an instrument rating and, I'm assuming, nothing more than a flight review for recurrent training.

In hindsight, at the time it would have made more sense to take that 4 grand and spend it getting my MEI instead. Oh well. :)

The real benefit, for me at least, was getting to take some great trips, having a lot of fun and making some very good contacts.

One of my Cirrus clients recently bought a 340 and I'll probably do some flying in it for him. Another is chief pilot on a G200 and with a little luck I might wind up working for him eventually when they have a seat open up. Another has a position on a Cirrus jet, so who knows where that may lead.

Even if I don't wind up working for any of those guys they know me, like me and I'm sure they'd toss my name out if they heard of a good opportunity. So, from a networking standpoint it's been a good thing.

It's a fun airplane to fly and teach, certainly a nice break from a steady diet of 172s/Warriors but I'd doubt going through the CSIP deal is going to open up a ton of new flying unless you're already working somewhere that's flying the wheels off of a few Cirrus. Hopefully I'm wrong about it though.