the whole thing with guaranteed employment thing is after building 800 hours if they don't help you get hired they will reimburse your ACE tution which is close to $8,000. thats how that works in a nutshell.
things that brought me here:
the new aircraft and facilities, the CRJ glass cockpit training, the crew training, and the route program in the new piper seminoles. 99.9% of the instruction has been great in my opinion, and i'm pretty much on path to finish a bit under the $60k. the only way i see that you'll really go over on cash is if you don't/won't/or can't study effectively. flying is the easy part, acedemics are where people screw themselves.
i'd agree with fukoki's statement about the administration and student relationship. it is horrible. there is no student government body to be had, so there is no contact between the students and the people making some really strange decsions, in my opinion. hopefully that will change soon.
so, i've had a great expereince thus far. gotten along great with the staff and students, and i'm really looking forward to finishing the rest of the program.