Another GI thread... IGI exam question!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm working on getting my GI certs right now. A couple weeks ago I took the IFR written and I'm planning on taking the FOI this Thursday. From what I hear, the IGI written is extremely similar to the IFR test... should I just go ahead and take the IGI or is there specific material I need to be looking into? Really all I've been doing beyond the IFR written study guide has been to read through the FAA 8083 so far...
Ok so I'm working on getting my GI certs right now. A couple weeks ago I took the IFR written and I'm planning on taking the FOI this Thursday. From what I hear, the IGI written is extremely similar to the IFR test... should I just go ahead and take the IGI or is there specific material I need to be looking into? Really all I've been doing beyond the IFR written study guide has been to read through the FAA 8083 so far...

IGI & IRA all from the same question bank.
I took my instrument airplane and IGI writtens on consecutive days. Even after looking over material that I missed, I got a slightly lower score on the IGI test. I specifically remember that at least two of the questions were exactly the same. I also had a question on helicopter something or other (RTC questions are fair game).
I took my instrument airplane and IGI writtens on consecutive days. Even after looking over material that I missed, I got a slightly lower score on the IGI test. I specifically remember that at least two of the questions were exactly the same. I also had a question on helicopter something or other (RTC questions are fair game).

Ah yeah, that makes sense... was your difference on the IGI test a "reasonable" change or more of a "holy hell that wasn't what I was expecting" kind of change?
Ah yeah, that makes sense... was your difference on the IGI test a "reasonable" change or more of a "holy hell that wasn't what I was expecting" kind of change?

They are actually very 'reasonable'...I did mine back to back on the same all the same should have no problem. I think you're making the right move by taking it don't want to have to go back and re-learn the same stuff over again. Good luck!
Thanks guys, I was kinda figuring that it was a very similar exam. My biggest fear was going back over the IRA stuff and blowing the IGI by not hitting the right books. Alright, FOI Thursday, then IGI maybe Friday or Monday.
For the helicopter ?'s on the IGI the longest answer is the right answer 95% of the time. No Kidding:laff:
As stated, the questions are all from the same database. I had two rotorcraft questions on mine, both dealing with regulations for someone rated in airplanes/rotorcraft and wanting to act as PIC under IFR in the other. Though the review books don't cover them, if you're really interested in knowing all the heli questions, they can be found on the FAA website.

With that said, if you just took your IRA, take your IGI ASAP! I wish I took both at once to get it over with (although I will say it was a good review...).
Will do... like I said, I took the IRA a couple weeks ago and I'm ready for the FOI that I'm trying to schedule for tomorrow... then I plan on leaving the weekend to run back through the books for the IGI. Then it'll be on into the AGI studying.

With that said... I need more frickin hours so I can actually get my CFI... :banghead: