Amflighters recognize any of these?

All hotels are starting to like crap for me; of course, I live in them 90% out of the year, so it's not exactly surprising....

If you stay in crappy hotels, they will be crappy. It is simple. When you live in hotels a large part of the year, you have to pick hotels that are nice enough to not be shot in.
If you stay in crappy hotels, they will be crappy. It is simple. When you live in hotels a large part of the year, you have to pick hotels that are nice enough to not be shot in.

Well, I haven't been shot or stabbed yet, so I guess I can't complain too much. However, my company's hotel budget is a joke; a relic established 15+ years ago , never being adjusted commensurate with inflation.

Also, I don't really have a say in where I stay.

La Quinta= next to Denny's!!!

Everybody knows this is what "La Quinta" means in Spanish! :)
There was a huge police raid SWAT and all at the Ratmada on a porn ring when I was in B99 training. Some of the other trainees were right next door to the bust.

Maybe there is a similar thread on porncareers about the nasty hotels they had to work in.

I remember when this happened! I think I'd just moved out of the ramada and into a slum in noho.