I've got about 40 hours in the Alarus now. When the airplane is brand new they are pretty neat little planes, but they used to be a kit plane and it shows. They are pretty much helt together with scotch tape and rubber bands (literally) and they only last about 100-200 hours before they start to fall apart. After a while they become a major POS. They are really difficult to start sometimes. The magnetos are weak and the 12 vold electrical system is not powrfull enough to run the starter motor fast enough. As a result you get a very short battery life.
As for how they fly, they are kind of heavy in the nose and a little unstable, but once you get used to them they are actaully kind of fun to fly. They are very loud so make sure you have a good headset, and you feel stong vibrations in the floor so make sure you have good shoes. The seats are comfortable as long as you fly for less than 2 hours. After that they feel like concrete. There's not much for ventilation. There are two little holes in the doors with covers that allow you to direct a small amount of fresh air into the cabin, but on a hot day they are miserable. Especially since the lense-shapped windows are like magnifying glasses.