Alaskawaiian Approved


He better treat her well, otherwise it will be an ugly divorce, and I assume she would get custody of Horizon...
only downside is living in seattle i guess. pac nw is a nice part of the country but sea feels isolated a bit. might be being biased, i assume most who work there live comfortably in some way.
that “downside” is highly subjective. I couldn’t see myself in dallas but would’ve loved to be in atlanta or pnw. Some people can’t do chicago because of the brutal winters.

Cost of living in seattle is high, but people make it work with less than that starting pay. Mid payscale is enough to live comfortably
Congrats to my Polar Pineapple People! It's been a long time coming (there were always of a rumor when I was at QXE way back in 2000).
We've been told we're more than likely moving to Seattle in a couple years.

Wow. That's a big move. I imagine there's going to be a number of people who don't come over if that's the case.
How do the dispatchers over there feel about it?