Ancora imparo
Airworthiness Alert-Cessna 177 and 210 Aircraft
Notice Number: NOTC9552
On May 26, 2019, a Cessna Model T210M airplane operating in Australia suffered an in-flight separation of the right wing, resulting in a fatal accident. Preliminary investigation of the accident indicated that the wing fractured due to fatigue cracking inboard of the wing attachment lugs. The fatigue cracking started at a small corrosion pit on the lower surface of the lower carry-thru spar cap.
In response to the accident, Textron Aviation published Mandatory Service Letters on June 24, 2019 to provide instructions for a detailed visual inspection and an eddy current inspection of the wing carry-thru spar on the Cessna Model 177 (SEL-57-07) and Cessna Model 210 cantilever wing airplane (SEL-57-06). The Cessna Model 177 airplanes share a common carry-thru design with the Cessna Model 210 airplanes.
This is NOT the same issue addressed through AD 2012-10-04 and is NOT in the same location. The Cessna Mandatory Service Letters SEL-57-06 and SEL-57-07 address corrosion damage and possible cracking of the wing carry-thru spar located in the top of the cabin, inboard of the wing attach lugs.
This is a potentially serious issue and ANY corrosion found on this surface should be addressed.
At this time, the FAA has identified no additional instances of cracking on the carry-thru spar inboard of the wing attach lugs in either the Cessna Model 177 of Cessna Model 210 airplanes. The FAA is continuing to assess the available information to determine what future corrective action may be needed.
The FAA is interested in receiving any information on known cracking of the carry-thru spar on Cessna Model 177 or cantilever wing Cessna Model 210 airplanes, specifically any cracking identified inboard of the wing attach lugs. This includes any cracking identified previously on the Cessna Model 177 and 210 carry-thru spars.
Additionally, the FAA is interested in any comments on the Textron Aviation Service Letters SEL-57-06 and SEL-57-07, including ease of accessing the area of concern, structure and systems in and around the area of concern that may affect the inspection, and time required to complete the inspection as detailed in the service letters. Please provide any additional comments on the published service letters that may be helpful for us to consider as part of our evaluation.
The FAA is also interested in obtaining information on the status of the fleet. Any of the following information you can provide on your Cessna Model 177 or cantilever wing Cessna Model 210 airplane would be beneficial to our evaluation:
Total time-in-service on the airframe
Any modifications or STCs on your airplane(s) that may affect our evaluation of this issue, including, but not limited to, vortex generators, wing cuffs, gross weight increase, STOL kits, wing tips, and add-on wing fuel tanks.
Information detailing the usage environment in which you operate your airplane, specifically identifying severe or unusual usage.
Please provide any other information you feel may be helpful for us to consider as part of our evaluation.
In addition to the FAASTeam Notice, the FAA also recently distributed an airworthiness concern sheet to type clubs as part of the FAA’s outreach on this issue.
To see a full copy of the FAA airworhiness concern sheet and the cessna service letters covering this issue please follow this link:
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau published a preliminary report on the accident and can be found at the following location:
Photos and images are included below.
Approximate location of fracture
Carry-through structure
Close view of the outboard portion of the fracture surface (fatigue cracking has initiated on the underside surface)
If you have any questions or comments, contact the Wichita ACO Branch at:
Wichita ACO Branch
1801 Airport Rd
Wichita, KS 67209
Bobbie Kroetch
(316) 946-4155
Dan Withers
(316) 946-4137
Notice Number: NOTC9552
On May 26, 2019, a Cessna Model T210M airplane operating in Australia suffered an in-flight separation of the right wing, resulting in a fatal accident. Preliminary investigation of the accident indicated that the wing fractured due to fatigue cracking inboard of the wing attachment lugs. The fatigue cracking started at a small corrosion pit on the lower surface of the lower carry-thru spar cap.
In response to the accident, Textron Aviation published Mandatory Service Letters on June 24, 2019 to provide instructions for a detailed visual inspection and an eddy current inspection of the wing carry-thru spar on the Cessna Model 177 (SEL-57-07) and Cessna Model 210 cantilever wing airplane (SEL-57-06). The Cessna Model 177 airplanes share a common carry-thru design with the Cessna Model 210 airplanes.
This is NOT the same issue addressed through AD 2012-10-04 and is NOT in the same location. The Cessna Mandatory Service Letters SEL-57-06 and SEL-57-07 address corrosion damage and possible cracking of the wing carry-thru spar located in the top of the cabin, inboard of the wing attach lugs.
This is a potentially serious issue and ANY corrosion found on this surface should be addressed.
At this time, the FAA has identified no additional instances of cracking on the carry-thru spar inboard of the wing attach lugs in either the Cessna Model 177 of Cessna Model 210 airplanes. The FAA is continuing to assess the available information to determine what future corrective action may be needed.
The FAA is interested in receiving any information on known cracking of the carry-thru spar on Cessna Model 177 or cantilever wing Cessna Model 210 airplanes, specifically any cracking identified inboard of the wing attach lugs. This includes any cracking identified previously on the Cessna Model 177 and 210 carry-thru spars.
Additionally, the FAA is interested in any comments on the Textron Aviation Service Letters SEL-57-06 and SEL-57-07, including ease of accessing the area of concern, structure and systems in and around the area of concern that may affect the inspection, and time required to complete the inspection as detailed in the service letters. Please provide any additional comments on the published service letters that may be helpful for us to consider as part of our evaluation.
The FAA is also interested in obtaining information on the status of the fleet. Any of the following information you can provide on your Cessna Model 177 or cantilever wing Cessna Model 210 airplane would be beneficial to our evaluation:
Total time-in-service on the airframe
Any modifications or STCs on your airplane(s) that may affect our evaluation of this issue, including, but not limited to, vortex generators, wing cuffs, gross weight increase, STOL kits, wing tips, and add-on wing fuel tanks.
Information detailing the usage environment in which you operate your airplane, specifically identifying severe or unusual usage.
Please provide any other information you feel may be helpful for us to consider as part of our evaluation.
In addition to the FAASTeam Notice, the FAA also recently distributed an airworthiness concern sheet to type clubs as part of the FAA’s outreach on this issue.
To see a full copy of the FAA airworhiness concern sheet and the cessna service letters covering this issue please follow this link:
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau published a preliminary report on the accident and can be found at the following location:
Photos and images are included below.
Approximate location of fracture
Carry-through structure
Close view of the outboard portion of the fracture surface (fatigue cracking has initiated on the underside surface)
If you have any questions or comments, contact the Wichita ACO Branch at:
Wichita ACO Branch
1801 Airport Rd
Wichita, KS 67209
Bobbie Kroetch
(316) 946-4155
Dan Withers
(316) 946-4137