AirNet hiring pool

Morbid question: if I would have stayed would I be out of a job now? (Jul '07 hire)
Thanks man, I tried. Back to actually flying now; I'm thinking maybe it's a blessing in disguise.
Ya, I thought the whole idea of a forum was to throw around third hand rumors, that and to make comments about things you have no first hand information about.

I REPEAT: I called two months ago and they said they were furloughing (first hand).

Either way I give my condolences to those out of a job, I was always jealous of the Airnet guys flying the Lear into KBED, at the FBO everyone else was all dressed to impress and they were always wearing the casual sweatshirt and jeans. :rolleyes:
Either way I give my condolences to those out of a job, I was always jealous of the Airnet guys flying the Lear into KBED, at the FBO everyone else was all dressed to impress and they were always wearing the casual sweatshirt and jeans. :rolleyes:

You should've seen us at TEB in sweatshirts and jeans walking around with the Trumps! Hahaha..well all the business folk anyway..:nana2:
Thanks man, I tried. Back to actually flying now; I'm thinking maybe it's a blessing in disguise.

Man I'm really sorry to hear that. I always enjoyed flying with you. Good luck and enjoy 185-190/.79m instead of 150!:)