AirNet hiring pool


Well-Known Member
At the beginning of the year, CW left AirNet and gave me a contact at the company to continue updating my flight times with. I sent her my times, and never heard back. Should I even bother trying to update my times with AirNet? Are you laughing that I'm even considering my presence in the pool worth worrying about at all?

Condolences to current and former AirNet pilots about the bad direction things have gone. The few of you I met when I interviewed were simply awesome.
Would someone that ACTUALLY works at AirNet like to comment? Not sure why you like to comment on every post...:confused:
Not to sound to gloomy but in my opinion Airnet will not hire again for a long long time if ever. Washka is now gone from the company along with alot of other people. This place is just a shell of the same comapany I started working for 3.5 years ago. It's just a sign of the times. Supposedly They are asking for people in the lear if they would be interested in a voluntary seperation. I heard 5 more jets are being scrapped/sold. They can't justify spending 300k on a hull inspection for a jet we probably won't need in the future. Can't blame them really. Luckily my plan B has been in play for a few months.... Good luck to all.
At the beginning of the year, CW left AirNet and gave me a contact at the company to continue updating my flight times with. I sent her my times, and never heard back. Should I even bother trying to update my times with AirNet? Are you laughing that I'm even considering my presence in the pool worth worrying about at all?

Condolences to current and former AirNet pilots about the bad direction things have gone. The few of you I met when I interviewed were simply awesome.

Sorry, I think I'm finally turning into one of those bitter pilots I used to despise. Being furloughed for 4 months will do that to a person I guess...

In answer to your question, the short answer, no, I wouldn't bother. Airnet furloughed a pile of us, called back a few, then started giving the runs away to Flight Express. IMHO, Airnet will soon cesase to exhist. You should send an app off to Flight Express. I hear they are growing like crazy:sarcasm:. In any case, finding a job out there is getting tough, so I wish yiou luck!
I DON'T work at Airnet, but want to post anyway. I would continually upgrade my times anywhere that had asked me to do so. I say this because it just isn't a hard task to do, and doesn't cost any money. You may as well. Airnet may be in hard times now, but sales rules dictate that you continue to follow-up. If nothing else, it would make this behavior a "habit" and you would add that to your quarterly list of things to do - update all times anywhere I have interviewed. Just my two cents.
If you have nothing else to do then yeah update them but it won't do any good. We are YEARS from hiring anyone. We will probably furlough here again in the next couple weeks. It was just announced that about half our flight department is being let go of their duties and reintergrated into the senority list. By the end of February it'll probably take close to 5 years seniority to hold a jet slot.
well do you work at Airnet? Besides thats the idea of FORUM, and I'm not wrong am I?

Well, no I don't but I have a good idea of how things run around there:hiya:

I don't know why you would comment on that which you do not actually know have second or third hand info. :banghead:
Well, no I don't but I have a good idea of how things run around there:hiya:

I don't know why you would comment on that which you do not actually know have second or third hand info. :banghead:

Well I called and asked about 2 months ago when I was looking for jobs.
I'm probably going to update my times once in a while, if I remember. I have little to no confidence that it will end up mattering. Oh well, where's that A&P certificate of mine?