Airlines warned over pilot shortage

What the airlines call a shortage, profitable industries just call selective hiring.
In fairness it's only airline pilots calling it that, and managers who like to make pilots feel good. No one at Delta, not even at Endeavor say anything like shortage. In fact our manager Barry told one pilot to leave if he didn't like it here last week. I'm paraphrasing.
Any time someone brings up a pilot shortage on JC it seems like this.

Wrong place.gif

ps. I'm the tall one on the left with the chain bracelet.
They need to change these articles to read "regional airline pilot shortage."

There's a HUGE difference...

Exactly. I think we can all wholeheartedly agree that, within the US, the regionals are going to feel the squeeze, as there just aren't going to be that many guys willing to do the job, given the lifestyle and pay. However, at least for the conceivable future, the majors are going to have no problem filling the seats up front.