Airlines threaten to move flights from Atlanta


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Airlines threaten to move flights from Atlanta
Monday January 19, 6:17 pm ET
By Harry R. Weber, AP Airlines Writer
Delta, AirTran could move flights from Atlanta if can't reach suitable new lease agreement

ATLANTA (AP) -- Airlines that do business at the world's busiest airport are playing hardball in talks over new lease agreements, threatening to move some flights to other airports if they can't maintain competitive costs on fees they pay.

The master lease agreements that apply to airlines at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport do not expire until September 2010, but talks between the sides have already heated up.

Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines Inc., the world's biggest carrier, and discount carrier AirTran Airways, a unit of Orlando, Fla.-based AirTran Holdings Inc., say that if their costs are too high they may be forced to move some connecting flights to other airports.

Neither Delta nor AirTran is considering pulling out of Atlanta altogether.

The two carriers represent roughly 93 percent of the traffic at Hartsfield-Jackson. The other 7 percent of traffic there is split between other carriers including AMR Corp.'s American Airlines, US Airways Group Inc., Continental Airlines Inc., UAL Corp.'s United Airlines and several foreign carriers.

Airport General Manager Ben DeCosta did not return calls to his home and cell phone Monday seeking comment. An airport spokesman declined to comment.

According to the airport, all the airlines that do business at the facility are expected to generate about $160 million in airport revenue in 2009, including property leases and landing fees.

Intertwined with the talks over new lease agreements is consternation over the status of the airport's $1.6 billion international terminal project, which is in jeopardy of being halted because of the airport's inability to secure $600 million in municipal bond financing.

On Nov. 13, DeCosta told The Associated Press that tight credit markets were to blame for the airport's inability to get the bond financing.

However, according to documents obtained Monday by AP, John Boatright, Delta's vice president of corporate real estate, sent a Sept. 10 letter to prospective underwriters of the airport's bond financing stating that Delta opposed the airport's capital improvement program, which includes the terminal project.

Delta's stance could factor into the underwriters' decision because the airline is the majority tenant of Hartsfield-Jackson.

The airport, which has a good credit rating, believes that because of tight credit markets it would not have been able to go to market for the bonds regardless of Delta's position.

DeCosta said in November that the airport was seeking federal financial assistance through a stimulus package that would benefit municipal governments, and by extension the airport, which is run by the city of Atlanta. But with banks, automakers, states and even cities looking to the government for help amid the worst economic downturn in decades, it could be a tough sell for the airport, he said.

Construction work on the international terminal project at the airport began last summer and is scheduled to be completed by 2012, airport officials have said. More than $300 million has already been spent, according to DeCosta.

The plan for the Maynard H. Jackson International Terminal was part of a broader expansion project at the airport that included a fifth runway. The runway was completed in May 2006.

One of Delta's concerns has been the price of the terminal project and how that might factor into the amount of the airline's future costs for using the airport.

Boatright said in a Jan. 13 letter to DeCosta that the airline must understand its long-term financial future at the airport before it can commit to major capital investments. He cautioned that roughly two-thirds of Atlanta's traffic is able to be connected over other Delta hubs, including Memphis, Tenn.; Cincinnati; and Detroit. Delta picked up Memphis and Detroit as hubs after acquiring Northwest Airlines.

"Our position is that Delta's success in Atlanta, which translates not only to the airport's success but also the city's, is based on a foundation of a collaborative relationship that we have had with the city for more than 30 years," Delta spokeswoman Betsy Talton said.

Tad Hutcheson, a spokesman for AirTran Airways, said the carrier moved flights from Fort Walton Beach, Fla., to Pensacola, Fla., in 2001 after Fort Walton Beach raised rents. He said AirTran is working with the airport, but would consider moving some flights out of Atlanta if suitable new lease agreements can't be reached at Hartsfield-Jackson.

"We look at each flight on a flight-by-flight basis and airport costs are huge components of the cost to operate a flight," Hutcheson said. "And if those costs become uncompetitive, we will take actions up to and including canceling a flight or moving it to another city."
Not sure how this fits into the ATC forum, but I will bite.

Airport Authority and the city of ATL will not allow Delta to leave, and delta doesn't want to leave. They are just having a pissing contest right now.

If FL wants to leave ATL, by all means. I am confident that another carrier (WN, B6, etc) will just fall right into place.

Now i know the low numbers of the D concourse are common use, but you know FL is hurting when they are no longer filling most of the D concourse from D1-D15ish.

I'm interested to see what kind of deal will be reached.

zz :)
If they pull some flights it would make ATL not as busy of a place...maybe that would help the ATC trainees at ATL..

ATLTRACON - How is the training there? Are you still have huge washout rates and such?
I don't really see this happening. How are you going to relocate when you got so many things going on for both airlines? The cost will be too much.
If they pull some flights it would make ATL not as busy of a place...maybe that would help the ATC trainees at'll never happen, most well run, well thought out, large airport in the country, maybe the world. Terminals stink but runway configuration and how we run traffic is top notch, not even mentioning the strategic location and fairly cooperative wx. IF an airline were to downsize/pull out another would immediately jump into its place. The story is nothing but posturing.

ATLTRACON - How is the training there? Are you still have huge washout rates and such?

OH YEAH, and buy a conservative count we will lose 13 veterans this year (actually already started), all with 25+ years experience and we will be down to 54 CPC's. Should have around 95-100 minimum.

But we did just get 19 OTS/CTI/VRA's so we should be A-OK.:sarcasm:
Okay, I have a stupid question but if you are at 1/2 your required amount, why isn't the FAA just transferring people (even if it is just temporary) due to extreme need? Heck they give sign-on bonuses why not give a transfer bonus for a full CPC to transfer from no less than a level 10 to ATL?
I don't really see this happening. How are you going to relocate when you got so many things going on for both airlines? The cost will be too much.

And thats what they said in PIT when Airways threatened to leave. That did some good, right?
They do offer reloaction bonuses to places like NY and Alaska but they arent getting too many takers. I think mainly because transfering controllers(under the new white book) will have their pay reset to the bottom of the pay band. Basically they will take a pay cut just to get a bonus and have to re-enter training, sell/buy a house and move. All of which nobody wants to do. Also, the places where they will be taking these transfers from are usually hurting for manning themselves.

The article said they may move "some connecting flights" not all or anywhere near a significant amount IMO.
Okay, I have a stupid question but if you are at 1/2 your required amount, why isn't the FAA just transferring people (even if it is just temporary) due to extreme need? Heck they give sign-on bonuses why not give a transfer bonus for a full CPC to transfer from no less than a level 10 to ATL?

This is my $0.02

FAA still considers the new trainee a controller and so that makes their staffing numbers OK.
Kabuki theater, my friends, kabuki theater.

Delta doesn't want to leave, Atlanta doesn't want them to, but they've got to say all the right things.
Michigan's leaders should be jumping all over this! Bring em to DTW now that Delta has a hub here...

With the state of Michigan's economy I would think that they would be doing anything to get jobs to come to Michigan rather then jobs leaving.
I think it sounds like a headline from the onion.

'Airlines threatens to move flights from Atlanta. In response, Atlanta threatens to move airlines arrivals and not departures to Peach Tree.'
The city would never let this happen. The high volume of air traffic and coca-cola are the only things that the soulless place has going for it.
The city would never let this happen. The high volume of air traffic and coca-cola are the only things that the soulless place has going for it.
A little bitterness there about ATL, no?

Besides, if this continues and turns out to be more than just a little pissing contest, CVG may need to re-open the C concourse again lol. (jk)

zz ;)

And thats what they said in PIT when Airways threatened to leave. That did some good, right?
:yeahthat: But then again, the PIT passenger market is much smaller than ATL's market. (15-20 million boardings/year at peak vs. 40 million+ for ATL)