Airline Pilots for Obama

The PAC is the Political Action Committee. It goes to help politicians who value pilot issues.

I am sure the Pharmaceutical Companies and Medical Machine Manufacturers have their lobbyists as well.

Nah. . .you see. . .it's a double standard.

Everyone wants THEIR respective lobby group to be the ONLY lobbying group.

How dare anyone else think they can move in on THEIR turf. :rolleyes:

Not like we have any other means of effectively getting policies in place that are beneficial to the profession BUT through the PAC. cited a study that every time an administration cut taxes there was growth in every sector of the economy.

Obama is/will reverse the Bush Tax cuts because he thinks that will increase the spending to generate the economy.

The man can read a teleprompter well, that's about where his skills end.

Socialism has and will never work.
I think we fail to realize that no single political ideology or economic theory is the sole savior of bad causes.

Until we realize that it will take a combined effort of ideologies and forces some of us will just continue to spew the rhetoric.

Poli Sci 101
Thank you surreal. It's sort of like eating Asian fusion. It might be weird, but it works and it tastes good.
RED SCARE!!!! RED SCARE!!!!! :panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic: Paging Senator McCarthy!

Just a point of historical information. It turns out that Senator McCarthy was, largely, absolutely right about Communist infiltration/subversion (and indoctrination sapping and inpurifying all of our bodily fluids ;) ), particularly in the State Department. This doesn't mean that Obama is a evil pinko commie or that he'll be putting Xanax in the drinking water, but I'm always confused when people scream "McCarthyite witch-hunt!" as though it is a substantive argument against being anti-communist.
Giving "tax cuts" to people who don't pay taxes at the expense of those of us who do is nothing more than welfare by a different name.

Oh man. I didn't pay taxes last year (at least I got my taxable income down to an amount where my tax liability was $0). Guess what. My plan is to do the same this year. Guess what? I'm pretty sure that's the goal of even the richest American.

Can you please look at his plan and tell me where you draw this conclusion? If you're just going off what you've heard on a news program or an "analyst," I'm not even gonna pay attention to your opinion since it was spoonfed to you. We've already seen how badly multiple media outlets muck up aviation stuff. I'd be willing to bet they muck up political stuff just as badly.

Personally, I've read Obama's book, and based on that his policies and thinking are not even close to what you've stated. He's for overhauling the welfare system and linking the benefits to WORK. Not a free hand out as pretty much every right winger seems to think. Like it or not, we need a safety net in this country, and it's gotta be paid for somehow. I was glad we had a safety net for our health insurance when my son was born. Otherwise, he would have either gotten sub-standard care or I'd be in debt in medical bills until he graduated college.
Oh man. I didn't pay taxes last year (at least I got my taxable income down to an amount where my tax liability was $0). Guess what. My plan is to do the same this year. Guess what? I'm pretty sure that's the goal of even the richest American.

Spoken like a true conservative!
I'm always confused when people scream "McCarthyite witch-hunt!" as though it is a substantive argument against being anti-communist.

It's not; it's an argument against inappropriate government intrusion into people's lives. Being a communist isn't illegal. You may not like commies, but they have a right to their own beliefs and ideals. Putting them on public trial for their beliefs is decidedly un-American. Isn't it usually the conservatives that are bitching about the "thought police?" McCarthy was the original thought policeman.
Isn't it usually the conservatives that are bitching about the "thought police?" McCarthy was the original thought policeman.

There are and have always been "loyalty tests" for employment in sensitive positions. It's not illegal to be a white supremacist or a convicted felon, either, but I wouldn't want either to be handling classified information. Would you? There's nothing "1984" about wanting to remove persons whose loyalties are elsewhere and whose goals are seditious from positions from which espionage is possible. It's common sense.

PS. Which isn't to say that McCarthy wasn't a complete scumbag. From what I can gather he was. It just happened that some of his claims were true, whereas the revisionist history seems to be that he was this gibbering weirdo who made it all up. That's just not the case.
People who conduct espionage should be punished. People that disagree with the government should not. There is a difference between action and thought. McCarthy was right that many of the people he accused of being communist sympathizers actually did have communist beliefs, even though he had no real proof at the time. What he wasn't right about was that any of them were doing anything illegal because of it. To the best of my recollection, not a single person he accused was ever found to have done anything illegal or treasonous.
Most of the people Testifying before "The House On Un-American Activities" weren't really dyed in the wool communists. Many simply attended a meeting or were associated with the party. Most of the people that did this also did so during the great depression. I think most people could understand looking for alternative forms of government during a period that featured a 25% plus un-employment rate and "Hoover Towns" around most major cities. You have to remember that this was a period of Communism before Stalin or Arms Races.

Also, these people for the most part weren't in sensitive positions. They were writers, actors, directors etc. McCarthy was a drunken buffoon that was trying to get attention by ruining people's lives. He started the whole communist witch hunt by lying about how many communists existed in so called "sensitive" positions. He never really knew, but it seemed to get him attention so he ran with it. cited a study that every time an administration cut taxes there was growth in every sector of the economy.

Obama is/will reverse the Bush Tax cuts because he thinks that will increase the spending to generate the economy.

The man can read a teleprompter well, that's about where his skills end.

Socialism has and will never work.

Lots of things wrong with your post. First, the source you link to, The Heritage Foundation is nothing more than a right wing propaganda organization, not exactly a objective source. Second, Obama's stimulus plan includes substantial tax cuts. Third, historically and by any objective measure, Democratic Presidents have been better for the economy than Republican Presidents. GDP, Job creation, and the S&P 500 have almost always done better with a Democratic Administration in the White House.

And I know some here with jump on the NY Times as a source but the chart and data come from Standard and Poor's, Bloomberg, and Haver Research Group.
Er. Have you ever heard of Alger Hiss? I honestly don't care whether or not Hollywood is crawling with Stalinists, but to have an agent of a hostile foreign power as a close assistant to the Secretary of State strikes me as kind of a huge deal.

As a result, the Tydings Committee (after Senator Millard Tydings, a Democrat) was set up to investigate the matter. After 31 days of hearings the committee decided the charges leveled by McCarthy were a “fraud” and a “hoax.” The truth, however, was quite different. McCarthy gave the Tydings Committee the names of 110 people, 62 of whom worked at the State Department. Despite the committee’s findings, the State Department started its own investigations and initiated proceedings against 49 of these individuals. Eighty-one of those whose names were present on McCarthy’s list left the government due to dismissal or resignation. What counts is that McCarthy was right about them. Here are a few examples.
One notable was Philip Jessup, whose record shows that he was an influential member of the Institute for Pacific Relations (IPR), which was described in 1952 as “a vehicle used by Communists to orientate American Far Eastern policy toward Communist objectives” by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS). In 1951 the Senate rejected his nomination as a delegate to the UN. President Truman appointed him in a recess appointment. Later he served as a representative of the US on the International Court of Justice from 1960 to 1969.
Owen Lattimore was one of the determining factors in the pro-communist foreign policy in the Far East. He was identified in sworn testimonies from 13 different witnesses, and the SISS declared in 1952 that “Owen Lattimore was, from some time beginning in the 1930s, a conscious articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy.” He went on to the faculty of Johns Hopkins University, and after serving in Outer Mongolia for the Kennedy State Department in 1961, he eventually became the head of the newly formed Chinese studies department at the University of Leeds in 1963.
McCarthy was a swinish opportunist with a known penchant for deception in pursuit of his goals and a hell of a drinking problem. However, neither those facts nor repeating the fashionable story of "witch-hunt!" changes the fact that Communists had, in fact, infiltrated the highest levels of the U.S. government, and quite successfully. This is not seriously in dispute by anyone with even a passing knowledge of the subject.

P.S. Those who would shred the Constitution and look for "alternative forms of government" during a crisis are precisely who ought to be excluded from serving in a position intended to defend it.