Very good article. There are a few things that I noticed after being a passenger so much in the past couple of years.
When buying the ticket people want the cheapest thing out there, if they can save $5 by holding onto the gear they will. However when they get to the airport, the same person who spent as little amount of money as possible expects first class. That just does not work!!
The luxury is still there in flying, it is upfront. I flew business class a few times accross the pond, and that is a pleasure. When I was at LHR the economy line went half way down the terminal, I had 3 people infront of me, getting the morning the news in the lounge, everyone being so curtious to you, not having to line up ever, and the food, and service on the airplane was extrordinary; it was just the best way to travel.
The problem really is, if you want a pleasant flight, you have to pay top dollar for it. You can not expect to go into the Honda dealership and drive out in a Bentley so why do people when flying. If you pay bus fares, your ride will be like a bus, if you pay limo fares well you will get that.
There is a way to travel economy and still have a great flight, I have mastered that, however a brother has to keep his secrets!