airforce base layouts.


New Member
I have been doing a lot of satellite viewing of different air force bases around the world and have noticed that almost all other countries (or at least the big ones, in japan, Australia, Europe etc..) have little shelters scattered around the runways that each plane fits into, not like here in the US where its a flight line with rows and rows of jets in the open (but our bases overseas have shelters). Is it just me or is the US being kinda arrogant thinking we'll never be attacked on our own soil (i know it's unlikely but still) and have a whole flight line strafed. Just wondering why the two different types of base layout mentality, kinda like metric and us standard.
Most of the Hardened Aircraft Shelters you see at overseas bases are holdovers from the cold war days, in areas that are still potential hotspots. It's not a matter of arrogance of not thinking we'll be attacked here or not, just the liklihood is lower.

I have been doing a lot of satellite viewing of different air force bases around the world and have noticed that almost all other countries (or at least the big ones, in japan, Australia, Europe etc..) have little shelters scattered around the runways that each plane fits into, not like here in the US where its a flight line with rows and rows of jets in the open (but our bases overseas have shelters). Is it just me or is the US being kinda arrogant thinking we'll never be attacked on our own soil (i know it's unlikely but still) and have a whole flight line strafed. Just wondering why the two different types of base layout mentality, kinda like metric and us standard.