Turn left on whiskey bravo, right whiskey november, right on xyzpdq to spot 3 contact ramp on...... Your gate is occupied make a u-turn at supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and contact ground.... FML that place sucks.
Turn left on whiskey bravo, right whiskey november, right on xyzpdq to spot 3 contact ramp on...... Your gate is occupied make a u-turn at supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and contact ground.... FML that place sucks.
How do you feel about Houston now that Prop 1 failed?Seggy said:I moved to Houston for my wife.
How do you feel about Houston now that Prop 1 failed?
I'd say 62% to 38% is a pretty resounding NO. Seems like a mayor out of touch with the voters.Mad it didn't pass.
I'd say 62% to 38% is a pretty resounding NO. Seems like a mayor out of touch with the voters.
I'd say it had way more to do with a heavily financed (with money from outside the region) opposition campaign that pushed the (totally unrelated and false) idea that this bill would allow men to go into women's restrooms.
While that's true, the pro side also was heavily financed from outside the region. They just didn't spend enough money to have the vote go their way. Maybe Texas isn't the place to attempt forward looking social experiments.I'd say it had way more to do with a heavily financed (with money from outside the region) opposition campaign that pushed the (totally unrelated and false) idea that this bill would allow men to go into women's restrooms.
Who, me? I hate Texas. Bunch of loudmouthed braggarts.Are you part of the woodlands mafia?
Who, me? I hate Texas. Bunch of loudmouthed braggarts.
Honestly other than a few cities and regions most of this country isn't all that special. Most post ww2 sprawl cities are just a few big box stores, strip malls and poorly built homes. For example people rave about Colorado like it's some heaven on earth but I'd take any part of Austria or Switzerland over Colorado.
Yeah I know I just painted a big target on my back but its how I feel.
They mayor has been too busy spending money on parklets to be in touch with the voters.I'd say 62% to 38% is a pretty resounding NO. Seems like a mayor out of touch with the voters.
The interphone doesn't need bands in the newest ones.
We religiously try to single engine taxi. We leave the APU bleed off during taxi.
Depending on what we can expect for braking temps, we'll try to shut down 1 ASAP after landing. Almost to the point of "after landing checklist.....shutdown 2." (Whether we need a cool down or not because of thrust reverse usage)
I haven't seen a cross bleed yet. That doesn't sound like efficiency when you have APU bleed available.
ASAP incloses a 3 minute cool down.My company requires a three minute cool down before shutting down an engine for single engine taxi after landing. It helps stabilize things. Disregarding appropriate warm up and cool down times may save fuel cost but there may be a long term engine cost.
I once ended up using the ladies room at and NBA game (after 5 or 6 beers). I needed to use a stall, so I didn't notice the lack of urinals. I received a lot of nasty looks and heckles from my friends when I exited.
On the flip side, I had a woman walk into the men's room when I was washing my hands. I saw her in the mirror and she had a horrified look as if I was in the ladies room. I was so dumbfounded and at a loss for words that I just pointed to the urinals. She shrieked with embarrassment as I burst out laughing !
Well, maybe physically and chronologically, but maturity wise...I wish they would just go unisex.
We're all adults.
Yeah, if you ignore the warmup time, you are going to have problems down the road.My company requires a three minute cool down before shutting down an engine for single engine taxi after landing. It helps stabilize things. Disregarding appropriate warm up and cool down times may save fuel cost but there may be a long term engine cost.