Down boys! Down! Geesh...she was just expressing her opinion, isn't that what this board is about? While I admire your loyalty to FSI, there are many people who have made it to where they want to be going a different route. As they say, "there is more than one way to skin a cat." Here is my $.02:
Part 61 (local FBO): This is how I started, before coming to FSI. Some of the positives are self paced (although some of the smaller 141's are too) training, close to home, no silly (YES I SAID SILLY...TOO MUCH POLYESTER) uniforms, more casual atmosphere. The fact that not everyone there at the FBO is there to fly professionally some day is nice, it reminds you that this is fun! & that sometimes you should fly just for fun!
Drawbacks are many, time being a big factor. Not only the time you take to fly at your own pace, but there are other factors as well. Part 141 schools get a break on the req'd minimums. What about equipment availability? If you're holding down a 9-5 M-F job, you can only fly on evenings & weekends like all the other part-time pilots at your FBO. Multi-Engine time (as Chunk suggested)? Even if you have your MEI, most FBO's only allow their most senior CFI's train in the twins for insurance reasons. Maintenance? The list, pro & con, goes on...
Part 141: This is where I am now (at FSI if you didn't know). The positives are mostly obvious: plenty of aircraft, facilities, curriculum, etc. The fact that everyone there is there to be a professional pilot is a motivational factor. My first instructor is in the regionals now. Coming out of a pilot mill, you're more of a "known quantity" in that future employers are more likely to know of your previous training environment. There are many more positives such as the ones listed on previous posts.
Negatives? The upfront cost/ piling on of debt is a huge factor. While going 141 will get you to where you want to be faster (all other things being equal), it also leaves you with a mountain of debt! Coming out of training with $60k (+/-) of debt for a $16k/year to start job is not a good financial position to be in. That $500/mo loan payment is going to leave you eating a lot of mac & cheese. Of course the upside is the future earning potential, but that doesn't pay the bills in the present.
There are certainly positives & negatives going either route. I chose the full time 141 route to accomplish my training in the quickest manner possible. And of all the 141 schools, I chose FSI for it's facilities, reputation, etc. I am comfortable with the latest GPS, have done hours of aerobatics in a Zlin (BIG GRIN! /ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif ) & have met a lot of people who are either in the industry now, or will be in the very near future. You're not necessarily going to be able to say all that coming out of your local FBO. But I'm also lucky enough to have access to a airplane outside of FSI, so I can hang out with "plane people" who have a different perspective on flying. They don't believe flying is punching your flight plan into your CRJ's FMS to let the plane do all the flying while you think about what your going to do on your next time off. For these people, flying is there time off! There is a distinction, & while not all people going into this as a profession are this way, sometimes at a school like FSI you can get caught up in the "rat race" of it all. You're not as likely to find that attitude at your local FBO, & that can be refreshing!